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Luffilia and everyone blinded in a tree far from Galley LA but close enough to see what was happening. The whole place is crawling with shipwrights wanting to protect Iceberg. "Wow, that is a lot of people. Best wait until the right moment." Luffilia said as the others agreed. Chopper had the binoculars as Zoro told him to let them know when he saw movement.

Luffilia thought about something as it striked her. "Da! Usopp!" Luffilia yelled, knowing, realizing Usopp doesn't know what is going on. The last time any of them saw Usopp, he was resting from his injuries back at the hotel. "Shit, we forgot Usopp!" Nami said, shocked they forgot about their snipper. "Don't worry, he was saying goodbye to Merry, but I sent him back to the hotel to rest." Zoro said, leaning back into the tree. "There's a storm coming with a high tide coming in." Nami yelled as Zoro realized the mistake. "Usopp is a pretty smart guy he would have taken cover. Any ways he needs to rest. We can get Robin without Usopp, right?" Chopper said, looking around. "Yeah, you're right. Chopper, Usopp is smart enough to get to higher ground." Nami said, letting that reaffirm herself into believing Usopp would be okay. "Yeah, let Usopp rest while we take care of this." Luffilia said as everyone agreed, but unbeknownst to them, Usopp snacked back out to fix the Going Merry .

It was a few minutes later when the Cosmic Pirates noticed an explosion at the Galley La headquarters. "It's getting pretty rowdy down there." Chopper said as everyone turned to face where Luffilia was seconds ago only to not see her. "SHE'S GONE!" All three yelled, shocked that their captain had already left.

They are not wasting any time run to Galley La talking about what to do to catch up with Luffilia. "She most definitely is using the commotion to sneak in, so that's what we'll do as well." Nami said, not noticing Luffilia coming back to the tree. "Hey, sorry I couldn't hold it in?" Luffilia said, looking around, but not seeing anyone. "I did tell someone I had to go, right?" Luffilia thought as she looked around. "They left without me." Luffilia said, pouting before leaving to Galley La the opposite direction of her crew.

Luffilia made it to the Galley La headquarters, looking around when she saw two shadows, and just when the light hit perfectly, Luffilia saw a bull mask. "There!" Luffilia yelled, using Triangulum and Triangulum Australe before breaking through the window.

There stood two people wearing different masks, one bull and the other a skull. Paulie was down breathing heavily with blood coming out of his mouth. Luffilia just stood there looking completely lost. "Is either one of you Robin by chance?" Luffilia asked, smiling sheepishly while holding her star whip. "This is the third floor. How did you get up here?" Paulie asked as Luffilia looked at him. "Are you okay? No, don't answer that you're covered in blood." Luffilia said, looking at all three, wondering what was going on. "Celestial Witch Luffilia..?" the skull guy said. "Hey, I asked you a question. If either of you aren't Robin, then tell me where she is. I want her back. Give her back!" Luffilia said, throwing the most childish tantrum as the skull throws a powerful kick.

Luffilia jumped away from the kick, watching the walk get cut vertically. "Wow, you just cut that wall!" Luffilia said, diving down just barley dodging a kick from the bull before what looked like a staple was thrown at her throat pining her down. More came down, holding her from both arms, legs, and torso. Soon, Paulie joined her as well. "At least reposition her legs they shouldn't be shred like that have some decency for her!" Paulie yelled out as both of them struggled to get out.

Luffilia looked over at Paulie, asking him if he was okay? "Yeah, Celestial Witch, why are you here? People are going to think you're a criminal." Paulie said, in short breaths. "I'm a pirate it comes with occupation." Luffilia said, pointing a finger at him before making the constellation Ophiuchus. Paulie sees the two ghostly snakes slither in and out of his injuries, reliving him of pain. "Sweet, not seastone!" Luffilia yelled as Paulie decided to talk to her. "You're here for Nico Robin?" Paulie asked, hearing Luffilia say yes as he looked at the ceiling.

Then he asked if she was strong enough to fight those masked guys, to which Luffilia said yes. "Then help me fight them then, I want to win. I can't let Iceberg die. He taught me everything I knew, so I couldn't let him die." Paulie said, crying at the thought of Iceberg dying. "Okay then." Luffilia said, lifting her hand from the placement like nothing before going to grab the one on her neck, then legs, then torso. Then, she moved onto Paulie's restrains.

She then summoned Taurus as they ran down to Iceberg's room. "Okay, it the next room coming up." Paulie said, thinking the room next to the room that was coming up while Luffilia thought the next room was the door they were in front of. "Okay!" Luffilia said as Taurus bust in the clearly empty room. "The next coming room!" Paulie said as Luffilia nodded, busting down the wall connecting the two rooms. Just then, Zoro busts through the front door as well.

The first person that Luffilia saw was Robin in the room. "Robin! I've been looking for you!" Luffilia said smiling as Zoro yelled at her, wondering where she went. "What are you talking about? I had to go use the restroom, and the next thing I knew, you guys were gone." Luffilia said, shocking Nami, Chopper, and Zoro as they collectively remember Luffilia saying she was going to relieve herself and not recking havoc as they thought. 'We're idiots." Nami said, covering her face in embarrassment.

Luffilia just shrugged before turning to face what was happening only to see it was the other Shipwrights, Iceberg's secretary, and a fourth unknown person standing over a very hurt Iceberg. "Paulie, why didn't you leave like I told you too." Iceberg wheezed out seeing Paulie standing there stund at the betrayal he was seeing. "This can't be true." Paulie said, shocked as his once friends and comrades stood before him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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