Friend or Foe

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Luffilia was in shock hearing those words coming from Paulie's mouth. "Robin?" Luffilia said in shock as everyone tried to get out of the snakes hold. Luffilia walked closer to the shipwrights. The look Luffilia gave them made some of them look away from her with how attentive her stare was. "You said Ice Pop had two assassins, and one of them was Robin." Luffilia said, looking down at them.

Paulie nodded, feeling off but still trying to get out. Then he heard sniffling, turning to face Luffilia  she had a sad face with unshed tears looking at them. "She's been missing since yesterday, and you're saying she's been kidnapped by the same person that tried to assassinate Ice Pop!" Luffilia said, covering her eyes.

Nami stood with everyone else, hearing what Luffilia said. 'What is she going on about, unless...oh!' Nami thought, running to Luffilia hugging her close. "We been looking for her, with barley any sleep. We were still looking for her when Franky there stopped our search." Nami said fake crying that made people around them talk amongst themselves. 'These people are following for this,' Fanky thought, trying to lift the bull off of him.

Just then, both girls left running from them, dispelling the Serpens and Taurus from existence. When the shipwrights got up, they tried to run after them when the people stood in between them. "Go find the true culprit instead of chasing those girls!" Someone with in the crowd yelled. "Yeah, you heard the people! Now, because of you, I lost sight of my target, so now I get to take my anger out on you!" Franky said, holding his hands out, showing a small opening as air explodes out, destroying the shipyard.

Luffilia and Nami flowed on Pegasus as they saw newspapers freshly copied, showing the negative they fed them. "Wow, word spread fast." Nami said, seeing the dried ink saying Nico Robin kidnapped and possible escape goat? Who is the second person with them? Nami turned to Luffilia as they stood on top of a building across from Gallery LA. "Sometimes being a woman has its advantages like spreading a rumor." Luffilia said, smiling at Nami. "This wasn't new to you?" Nami said, hearing a nope with a hard P. "So why are we here then?" Nami asked, looking across the street. "I don't believe them when they said Robin was a part of this." Luffilia said, looking around. " So you want to know? Okay, then let's do this?" Nami said, getting up before throwing the paper away. "You don't have to." Luffilia stated only for Nami to hold out her hand. "Robin is part of our crew, so it's on all of us to find her." Nami said, looking around but saw an opening from the side. "There!" Nami said, pointing as Luffilia grabbed her hand, making both girls jump off the roof. "WAIT!" Nami yelled, closing her eyes and waiting for an impact.

It didn't happen they landed safely on the ground with Luffilia still holding Nami's hand or what should be Nami's hand. Nami squeezed the hand holding her to make sure what she was feeling and what she was seeing was to different things. "Luffilia, are we invisible?" Nami whisper with Luffilia answered with a yes as they walked through the Gallery LA.

After asking for directions, leaving very confused staff members, Luffilia and Nami stood down the hallway leading to Iceberg's bedroom where Kalifa left to do something really quick. Taking the chance, both girls ran to the door, opening it to see Iceberg banged up and looking out the window. Hearing the door close, Iceburg pulled out his gun just as Nami and Luffilia pulled out their's, but unlike Iceberg, they dropped their weapons, showing they wanted to talk. "So you think Nico Robin was kidnapped?" Iceberg said, looking at the newspaper. "I don't? People do love a story, so I went with it." Luffilia said as Iceberg nodded. "Why are you here to finish the job?" Iceberg said, looking as both girls said no at the same time. "Was Robin really here?" Luffilia asked with Iceberg nodding. "Can you do me a favor? I want to see Robin one more time." Iceberg said as the pirate ladies looked at each other.

Kalifa came back only to hear a gunshot. Running to Iceberg, Kalifa came in to see him holding his gun, hitting the floor where Nami and Luffilia once stood.

Luffilia and Nami walked away from Gallery LA like nothing happened. "I don't believe him. Robin wouldn't just do that." Luffilia said, holding her hand behind her back as Nami kept up with her. "But you heard what he said." Nami interjected, going under a plank of wood while Luffilia jumped over it. "It's weird, and I don't like it." Luffilia said, looking at the borded up buildings.

Luffilia and Nami ran into Zoro as they walked through town. "Hey, what's going on? I heard people saying Robin was kidnapped?" Zoro asked, stepping closer. "Nah, I do have to say if Luffilia wasn't a pirate, then she could have been an actor." Nami said before filling in Zoro what was going on. "Yeah, Iceberg said Robin was there, but Luffilia doesn't believe that is true." Nami said when they hear the familiar foot steps coming to them. Looking up, they saw Chopper walking sluggish down to them before laying his head into Luffilia stomach. "Chopper, are you alright?" Nami asked when Chopper placed his head onto Luffilia stomach.

Moving to the roofs to be out of the way, Chopper told them everything he knew after he and Sanji found Robin. "WHAT! Robin said that!" Luffilia yelled in shock at what Chopper said about Robin shooting Iceburg and how she was leaving. "We should've been ready for this." Zoro began grabbing one of his swords, grabbing both girls' attention, going about how Robin would be friend or foe from know on. "Non of this makes sense. Robin told me she wishes to leave, but this doesn't make sense. When we talked, she was trying to hide her fear." Luffilia spoke up, filling in Nami, Zoro, and Chopper. "She wanted to leave this whole time?" Nami asked, looking in disbelief. "I think she was scared to stay. Her being wanted since she was young must give her a huge trust issue." Luffilia revealed touching her finger to her chin. "I thought if I showed her she could trust us, then she would have stayed or at least left on good terms, but this is very weird." Luffilia thought, looking to Zoro as he nodded his head understandably.

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