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It was the next day, Luffilia took a bath in the inn they rented and didn't really bother much with her clothes, just a plain red shirt and overalls. She sat on the roof next to the inn, messing with the compass, wondering why it's not picking up on Robin.

"It's connected to Robin, but why is it not showing where she is? I have to get better unless I want to try something." Luffilia said, closing both of  her hands, leaving an opening through them making an O like a telescope. "Constellation Telescopium," Luffilia said, thinking of Sabo and where he is.

With Sabo and the Spade pirates, they were waiting for Ace to come back from whatever meeting the Marines. That when something in the sky catches his eye, it falls right in front of him. It was a lend of a spyglass, and looking back at him was Luffilia. "It worked!" Luffilia yelled excitedly. "Lulu?" Sabo said, wondering how she did this.

Luffilia smiled as another spyglass appeared in front of her as well. "I used Telescopium to make a connection between us." Luffilia said, smiling, feeling a bit light then from the day past. "Where's Ace? I want to say hi to him as well." Luffilia asked with Sabo, looking around pretending to find Ace. In reality, he was debating on whether to tell Luffilia that Ace is a new warlord or let Ace tell her himself. "Ace isn’t here." Sabo said, noticing the slight disappointment in Luffilia eyes. "Oh? Well then, after I'm done talking to you, I'll just find him." Luffilia said, smiling only to hear the roof top door open of the hotel open.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Lulu. Ace is doing something important at the moment, so it would be in the best interest of everyone if you don't contact him." Sabo said, deciding to let Ace tell her. "But hey, just call me, and I'll tell you when it's safe to connect him, okay?" Sabo said as Luffilia nodded before hearing her name being called.

Luffilia gave a quick ok from behind her before turning to Sabo. "That's fine. This was just a test I wanted to try out, so thank you for letting me do this again. You are the best big brother." Luffilia said before the spyglass burst into specks of colorful lights. "......WAIT? SHE COULD HAVE DONE THIS THE WHOLE TIME!" Sabo yelled as it finally sunk in what just happened.

Back at Water 7, Chopper called out Luffilia, wondering if she found Robin. "No, not yet. It's strange it's works with you guys, but Robin, it's like it's broken." Luffilia explained, showing off her compass as Chopper pulled out his that Luffilia made for everyone. "You're right." Chopper said, wondering why it was doing this. "What was that you were doing just a minute ago?" Zoro asked, leaning against the bell of the inn.

Luffilia explained she wanted to play around with Telescopium and see if she could make it a two-way commutation thing she could do. "But how? I thought devil fruit already had set powers one can use them?" Chopper asked as Luffilia nodded, showing off the compass. "True, but for some reason, I can take the creative liberty on how they work like Leocub or Camelopardails they can use fire or lightning, as long as they are a baby lion or giraffe then any secondary powers they have I gave them, I just can't change it later or it would cost me some years of my life." Luffilia explains to Chopper.

Zoro listened in as well, still amazed at Luffilia devil fruit powers while also taking a peak at the compass. Usopp after saying goodbye to the Merry left early that morning to wander around town. Sanji was at Rocky Cape to see if Robin ever showed up. Nami went back to the shipyard to see if there was any bargaining she could pull to get a lower price on a new ship.

Sanji showed up not long after not seeing anyone in the room. "I see no one could sleep." Sanji said, seeing Luffilia and Chopper together and Zoro holding the compass out. "Sanji! Where were you?" Chopper asked, turning to face him with Luffilia and Zoro also looking at him. "Stayed at Rockey Cape, hoping that Robin would show up." Sanji said, looking to Luffilia to see if she had any luck finding Robin as well.

Sanji then told them he would be looking around town, and Chopper vaulentered to join him. Before they left, Nami came running up. "Terrible news, the whole town is in an uproar." Nami said, catching everyone's attention. "Mr. Iceberg has been shot." Nami said, causing Luffilia to look straight at her.

Zoro asked who that was, to which Nami said he was the man they talked to yesterday and the president of the shipyards. "Ice guy? But everyone loves him. Who would do that?" Luffilia said, wondering who would shoot the nice man. "I'm going to check it out." Luffilia said, summoning Pegasus climbing on with Nami jumping on as well. "I'm coming too." Nami said, leaving the boys to do as they pleased. "We're going to find Robin. Let's hope this compass would work for us." Sanji said as both him and Chopper leave.

That just left Zoro just what he wanted. Getting up, Zoro pulled out his personal compass to go after Usopp. It took some time, but Zoro finally came back to the Merry where Usopp just sat there. Jumping on the Merry Zoro stabbed in between Usopp's legs. Usopp screamed, seeing the sword before stuttering away from Zoro. "What are you doing, ZORO!" Usopp yelled, pointing a finger at Zoro.

Zoro turned to face Usopp, the sun hiding the upper half of his in a shadow. " Luffilia may have gone easy on you. I think she went too easy on you, but it's not my call to make. You got a second chance, so you better not make me regret it. You leave again, and Luffilia will give you a third chance by you begging and pleading. I will make sure that happens." Zoro said, walking away from Usopp and off the Merry.

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