Admiral Please Leave

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Luffilia hid behind the tall tree watching as the pooolar Beaaar delivered the letter and flag. "Did he get it?" A whisper sounding like Usopp said from behind other trees as everyone stood behind watching. "I can't tell." Nami said next to him. Robin and Chopper hide behind the ferthise back but still close enough. Usopp and Nami were next closest as Zoro and Sanji kept glaring at each other as they shared a tree. "Hey, Moss, head move. This is my tree to hide." Sanji said, trying to push Zoro out from behind. "Why don't you leave then curly brow." Zoro came back  as they growled at each other.

Luffilia just sighed as she was the closest even after telling them that they could go back to Going Merry, and they decided to stay. She turns back around only to take a sharp intake of breath, making everyone look at her. Luffilia watched at the bear, gave the note and flag to the wrong person. "What happened? Luffilia?" Chopper asked as Usopp pulled down his goggles only to shout in fear, making Nami place a hand over his mouth. "H-he gave it to the wrong person!" Usopp whisper yelled, shacking, making most of them scared.

Luffilia watched as the admiral read the note before giving it to Tonjit. Aokiji turns around as the cosmic pirates hide behind the trees. Robin picked up Chopper as Zoro had Sanjo on his shoulders, quietly grumbling. Usopp and Nami hugged each other while covering their mouths, trying to fit behind the tree. Luffilia being by herself, it was easy to stay hidden. "Hey, by any chance, are you what's her name, the celestial witch; Monkey D. Luffilia?" Aokiji asked, looking over where he saw movement just a second ago.

When he heard nothing, Aokiji just sighed. "I'm just taking a walk, not on active duty." Aokiji said, looking lazily over at the trees before shrugging, laying back down. "If you are her, you cause quite a ruckus back at head quarters, even the fleet admiral Sengoku is working up a sweat." Aokiji said, making Luffilia wonder what he meant by that, but the flag was delivered, and she wanted to leave yesterday.

So that what she and her crew did fade into pure light as the real Cosmic pirates got Going Merry ready to set sail. "When you said you promised, you promised." Nami said, leaning against the railing next to Luffilia as the island got smaller. "Well, of course, a good captain listened to their crew's worries, and everyone was worried. Especially Robin." Luffilia said, looking over at the new member as she read one of her books.

Luffilia felt something cold touch her neck. Looking over her shoulder, Luffilia saw Sanji holding a ice cold glass filled with juice for her. "You're too kind, Luffilia-chan." Sanji said, giving Nami her's before telling the guys theirs are in the kitchen.


Later that night, Luffilia was charting the constellations that she saw when she heard the creaking of the crows nest. Looking up, Luffilia saw it was Robin trying her hardest to have a neutral face. "Captain," Robin said, taking a seat across from her. "What you did today, thank you." Luffilia was confused as to why Robin was thanking her. "You don't have to apologize. There is no need." Luffilia started. "No, I don't, but I did anyway." Robin said with hostility, making Luffilia question why. "When we make port again, I'll take my share and leave." Robin said.

Shock Luffilia stared at her with wide eyes and a slightly open mouth. When Luffilia was about to speak when Robin held out her hand. "Our adventure on Sky Island was the most fun I ever had in a long time. I saw the length you go to for people you hardly know, and today just showed it, and I." Robin said, getting up to climb down from the crow's nest. "You shouldn't have said anything, now I will make sure you stay as our archaeologist and then we can have more fun together." Luffilia said, smiling at Robin.

"Every organization I joined disbands not long after I join." Robin said, trying to get her point across. "Then it's a good thing we're pirates and not an organization then." Luffilia said, collecting her papers. "You belong more than you realize." Luffilia said, jumping out of the crow's nest, leaving Robin up there by herself, not noticing a tear running down her pale face.


The Cosmic pirates didn't leave long, ring Long Island, just moved their ship so that  Aokiji would think they left when they didn't. With Nami's excellent navigation skills, she took them to the next island of long ring long island for four days. "So peaceful when Luffilia suggested staying longer than necessary. I almost had Chopper check her for brain damage." Nami said, lounging while reading the newspaper as Sanji changed her empty glass. "Well, maybe we should still do that as she's been sticking to Robin more." Zoro said only to be kicked in the head.

Holding his head where Sanji had kicked him, Zoro growled at him. "What the hell swirl brow?" Zoro said as a twitch of his eyebrow kicked in. "And what's wrong with two beauties getting along?" Sanji said, getting up in Zoro's face. "Why should I explain my reasons to a pervert like you?" Zoro said, shoving his face away, turning to face Luffilia as she sat next to Robin glancing occasionally at the older woman as she asked her to join in a game pinochle with her, Usopp and Chopper.  "Luffilia has been involving Robin to do a lot of activities she normally does." Nami said, looking over as Chopper and Luffilia won the match.

Sanji leaned back, lighting his cigarette. "Well, Robin-San hadn't said no to Luffilia." Sanji said, blowing out smoke. The three pirates looked over as they heard footsteps heading their way. "So I think it's been a good amount of time to put us and that admiral a good amount of distance between us. Let's just take it easy for now and take it slow to the next island." Luffilia said, smiling as she left Nami crinkling the newspaper, Sanji's cigarette falling out of his mouth and Zoro wide away. "Chopper!"

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