Good or Bad

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After Chopper conforms that Luffilia is, in fact, fine and healthy, the Cosmic Pirates head off to the next island. That's when a loud crash and cry was heard, making everyone take to the deck to see Usopp holding his beloved slingshot that was split in half. Luffilia stood next to him, trying to comfort him. "It's okay. Usopp things like this happen. Didn't you say it was old and splitting to the point where you were getting splinters?" Luffilia as Usopp nodded admitted defeat.

Usopp heald out his sling in both hands. "I did, but I was hoping to at least for us to get to the island before buying a new one, that is, if they sell slings so far, not one island, we been to sold any." Usopp said, getting up from the ground to drop his broken slingshot at the bottom of the sea. "What happened?" Nami asked after seeing Usopp letting go of his weapon. "Well, Usopp wanted to practice his sharp shooting, and I was joining him when his slingshot snapped into two." Luffilia explained when an idea came to her.

"Constellation Sigatarus!" Luffilia yelled as a bow and arrow formed in her hands before wiping the constellation off, turning it into a stunning silver and gold bow with an equally beautiful arrow. "Usopp will the do for know?" Luffilia asked as Usopp looked at the bow in awe. "That's...I can't use this. This...." Usopp stated as he took the offered bow. "I don't even know how to use one." Usopp plucking the string of the bow when Luffilia came beside him. "Easy dominant hand hold this part. Your other hand holds the string but just your first, middle, and ring fingers." Luffilia said, showing Usopp as she ageist his stance.

Once Luffilia was happy with Usopp's stance, she told him to hit his target from where he stood. Letting go Usopp and the rest of the crew watches as the arrow hit it's target. Everyone cheered, seeing Usopp hitting the target. Usopp just started at the bow as if I th just gave him the answer to life. "Luffilia here." Usopp said, handing her the bow back, adjusting his goggles and smiling at her as he hands the bow back. Before anyone could question him, Usopp walked inside to the gallery. "Is he alright?" Nami asked as everyone turned to each other after that. "He probably just going to get stuff to tinker with." Luffilia said smiling but turned sharp eye as everyone went about doing their own thing.

Just as Luffilia was about to bug Zoro, his voice grabbed everyone's attention. "What's that in the water?" He asked, looking out, making Luffilia look over, squinting. "A frog man?" Luffilia asked, watching as the Fishman frog swiming the open ocean. "Should we fallow it?" Chopper asked as Luffilia nodded, giving Nami the go head to order the ship moves. As they followed the frog, Nami spotted a light house that her log post was not showing. Just then, the frog man, they were falling to stop short when a ringing sound was heard. They watch as a steam ship hits him.

Just then, they heard a voice coming just off to their right. "Granny! Granny! Look at a pirate ship!" Looking over, Luffilia saw it was a little girl with a rabbit and a drunk lady. "Okay, give me *hic* a *hic* second." She said using den den mushi to call but forgot what she was going to say. After docking, the Cosmic Pirates were introduced to Chimney, Gonbe, and Kokoro, the station master. "Chimney, was that a steam boat?" Nami asked as Chimney shook her head. "No, that was puffing Tom the sea train." Chimney said as Luffilia and Nami looked into the water to see train tracks. "Wow, there are tracks here, but that frog guy still got hurt, though." Luffilia said as Chimney explained that was Yokozuna and how he does a test of strength.

Kokoro then asked where they were heading next and if they were heading by train. "No, we have a boat and a desantion. Which way is it, Nami?" Luffilia asked as Nami looked the log post pointing north. "Ah, you're heading to Water 7, then that train just came from there. That place is known for their shipwrights that even the world government commotion there." That got Luffilia interest as stars sparked in her eyes. "Then we're definitely going there." Luffilia said as Usopp nodded.

They set off after getting a poor map of water 7 from Kokoro. It takes a week for the log post to take them to the next island. Nami figure splitting a weeks worth of money for everyone as Usopp hugs the Going Merry. "Usopp?" Luffilia asked as he hugged the middle post. "She's going to be all fixed up. I'm so happy." Usopp said as Luffilia smiled before really getting a good look at the ship as much as she tried to protect the boat. The Going Merry had more damage parts than functional ones.

Placing a hand on one of the quick fixed parts, Luffilia had a look of concern. "Everything alright?" Zoro asked as he looked at his captain before following her line of sight to Usopp. "He's going to be deviated." Luffilia said as Zoro raised a brow. "How so?" Zoro asked, sitting down to clean his swords. "I love the Going Merry it's a member just like any of us, but even I know that there's a chance no one is going to save her." Luffilia said, picking splinters out. "So you do notice." Zoro said as Luffilia nodded. "How can't I? I'm the captain." Luffilia said as she looked out to see. "Hey Zoro? Am I a good captain?" Luffilia asked, making Zoro stop cleaning his swords. "What makes you think you're not." Zoro asked, looking up at her only to see for the first time seeing without a smile. "You're not a bad captain." Zoro said, stopping cleaning his sword to say to her.

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