What's the damage

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Luffilia watched as Paulie flipped the other Shipwright with the talking pigeon. The guy Lucci, Luffilia, recalled, had cought himself by one hand dogged into the earth. "Wow." Nami said as Usopp wondered if all the shipwrights were that crazy strong.

Luffilia just couldn't get over the talking pigeon of all things that were happening around her. The single idea of a talking pigeon fascinated her. "Where you train to talk for him? Are you mute? Why are you so cool? " Luffilia asked so many questions if birds could blush, then the bird would be. The pigeon just ruffled his feathers as Nami placed a hand on Luffilia.

"My name is Rob- I mean Hattori the pigeon this here is Rob Lucci nice to meet you." Hattori said when Nami figured it out and explained it to Luffilia. "Awww, the bird isn't really speaking." Luffilia said, upset, but then Paulie came up to both girls before freaking out at their choice of clothing. "What are you wearing? You're showing too much skin! How shameless." Paulie said, pointing at them. Luffilia looked down, trying to see his point, which she didn't see a problem. "Does he not like legs?" Luffilia asked Nami as Paulie criticized Kalifa as well.

Iceberg chose that time for them to head on in for the tour. Both Lucci and Paulie open the doors to the shipyard. "Wow, so strong." Luffilia said, watching as it just took those two to open the massive doors. Luffilia turned to Usopp before summing Orion to stand guard by him. "There that should protect you and the money, right Usopp. Usopp?" Luffilia looked as Usopp turned away from Orion and moved past her, and Nami. "I got this. Don't worry about me." Usopp said his head held high as he walked in the girls' turn to each other. One worried the other, confused before heading in.

The shipyard was huge, having a lot of workers all who flocked to Iceberg for his imput and advice. "Ice guy is really popular." Luffilia said as Kalifa told them how Iceberg made the seven shipwright companies come together as one grand company and how loyal every shipwright they have been to him. "I'm guessing finding a shipwright for our crew here might be impossible." Luffilia said, ignoring the feeling of eyes on her.

Luffilia kept looking in awe of the construction when her foot touched the two suitcases that Usopp was holding. "Where's Usopp?" Luffilia asked, looking around as Nami placed her's next to the other two when Kaku came back from his inspection.

Looking at him, Luffilia could tell what Kaku has to say will make her fear realized. "So what is the damage?" Nami said, smiling, hoping for a low price while Luffilia already knows the answer. "Going Merry isn't fixable, is she." Luffilia said, shocking Nami. "You're kidding, don't say something like that, Luffilia." Nami said, smaking the back of her head only to look over at the shipwrights. "Why?" Nami asked, looking at Kaku.

Kaku explained that it was keel that was the problem, then Paulie explained in detail the keel. "You know?" Nami asked, looking to Luffilia for answers. "I didn't know the actual problem, but I did have a supposition what it could be." Luffilia said, turing to the shipwrights. "Is there a way to make a copy of the Going Merry?" Luffilia asked only to be met with more no, then it was explained that it is impossible to copy a ship identical yes but never the same.

The shipwrights also said that kind of ship was outdated for reasons, and it may be wise to look into making a whole new ship instead. "Thank you for telling us our options and explaining the damage to the Merry. I have to talk to my crew first to explain Merry's problem and to talk about our next move." Luffilia said, taking a catalog of ships as Iceberg spoke up. "I have to say for being so young you taken into listening to our criticism and you already had felt that your ship was damaged know you are making decisions with your crew. I met a lot of pirates, and their captains were very demanding of what they wanted and never what the crew wanted. I'm quite impressed." Iceberg said when another foreman came running.

Paulie told Luffilia and Nami to hide as people from the world government are coming by. When Luffilia picked up two of the cases, she noticed they were light too light for two hundred million belis. "Is something the matter, Luffilia?" Nami whisper when Luffilia keeps looking at the suitcases in her hand. "They are light." Luffilia said as she turned to face Nami. Nami just laughed, grabbing hold of the cases. "You're just strong that you don't feel the wei-!?" Nami, stop in mid-senteance, feeling how light the suitcases were.

Both girls scream as both came empty and old, showing it wasn't even theirs in the first place. Paulie came around trying to shush the lady pirates to see Nami on the ground, and Luffilia held the empty suitcase. "Our money is gone." Luffilia said when she overheard the man with weird hair talking to Kaku about seeing him with the Franky family earlier. "I wasn't with the Franky family." Kaku said in confusion as it clicked in Luffilia head.

Usopp was with the Franky family, they too him and their money. Luffilia didn't hear any more activating Pegasus she jumped on the colorful winged horse. "I'm leaving the rest with you, Nami! Get back to the ship. I'll find Usopp as soon as possible." Luffilia yelled, taking to the sky to look for Usopp.

Luffilia looked looked at her compass to locate Usopp. When she finally reached him, Luffilia found a crowd. Moving down, Luffilia saw Usopp bloody and broken passed out on the pavement. "Usopp!" Luffilia said, running to him. "Constellation Ophiuchus." Luffilia said, watching as the two snakes close up the wounds.

Around them, people started to talk and ask if they were pirates, but Luffilia ignored all that as her only focus was on her crewmate. "Usopp talk to me." Luffilia said when Usopp took her wrist. "I'm sorry, I wasn't strong enough to stop them. All the money is gone I sorry for being weak." Usopp said just as Luffilia heard Nami making her way to them. "We can't move him with how beaten he is." Nami said as the girls lay Usopp against the wall. "I'll get better, I promise." Usopp whimper out as Luffilia told him they are going to bring the others to him.

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