The Power of Afro

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It's time for the battle portion after choosing the location for the fight. The Foxy pirates were getting everything ready. Usopp was with Luffilia acting as her corner man in the waiting room. The waiting room was a dressing room full of costumes and athletic clothing. "Wow, look at all this stuff." Luffilia said, pulling out a sport bra with a skull and cross bones on one side of the chest. Luffilia looked over to see Usopp eyeing  the wigs. "Usopp?" Luffilia asked, looking at what he saw. "This you have to wear this!" Usopp declared handing it to her before running around to pull the best boxer outfit for Luffilia. "Okay, put these on." Usopp said, stepping out of the waiting room to give Luffilia all the privacy she needs.

After finishing up, it was time to start the fight. As Luffilia opened the door, Usopp felt something on top of his head, looking up to see that it was Luffilia treasured straw hat. "Okay, how do I look?" Luffilia asked as Usopp nodded as he looked at what he chose. "I say you will give him hell." Usopp said as they went up to the dock as the announcer introduced Foxy is now introducing her. Luffilia came out wearing an afro, a black sports bra with a red sleeveless hooded jacket left open and matching shorts. Her feet were bear wearing athletic tape for traction and smaller boxing gloves after finding no female fit gloves.

On the stands, each cosmic pirates hand a different reaction to Luffilia outfit. "What is she wearing!?" Nami said, staring at her captain, wondering what she was wearing. Robin just smiled, thinking that Luffilia looked cute. As Sanji, the ladies' man, also agreed with that statement. Chopper didn't say anything. he just had the look of awe on his face. While Zoro kept grumbling about Usopp being chosen as Corner man. Luffilia just smiled as Usopp left to head back with everyone else. "Heehee, just because you look the part, does that mean you can win?" Foxy said, smiling slyly as Luffilia nodded.

Once both stood on the fox head, the announcer gave to go ahead to fight. Luffilia moved first, remembering all those times play fighting with Ace as kids. "Constellation Gemini." Luffilia whispered as she was about to land a hit on Foxy. "Slow slow beam!" Foxy yelled, slowing Luffilia down as she came right at him. "That was too easy." Foxy said only for Luffilia to dissipate into shimmers of light. "What happened to the Cosmic Captain?" The announcer asked as everyone in the audience started to talk amongst themselves.

Foxy, not losing his smile, looked around, billing a bit of sweat only to be hit by an invisible force. "Did you really think I'm that stupid." Luffilia voice was heard as Foxy looked around. "How did you do that?" Foxy said, trying to spot her. "You said you studied up on me." Another hit this time in the guys. "Then you should know have 88 Constellation under my control." Luffilia said only to hiccup, reappearing. "What was that!" Foxy asked, getting up. "Chameleon." Luffilia said, smiling as Foxy had his mouth open and close. "How was that a chameleon!" Foxy asked, raising his gloved hand at her. "Have you ever tried to find a chameleon in the wild?" Luffilia said, giving Foxy a questioning look.

Foxy used his slow beam again, this time hitting his target only for it to be another doppelganger. Foxy all ready had run away down ship, making Luffilia, who was behind the fox ear, follow after him. "I guess Splithead didn't realize that Luffilia was a jack of all trades." Chopper said as they waited. "Nope." Usopp said as others agreed only to see explosion on the ship. "It looks like a massive explosion! It looks like Captain Foxy was using his face bombs! Now, if any body parts are from the celestial witch, Luffilia gets out of the ring then...." A loud feminine voice was heard from a distance but still heard from the den den mushing. "Shut up!" Luffilia yelled from the top of the sail.

Down below, Foxy kept stubbling around after getting hit by his own bombs. "You got hit!" Luffilia said, looking down at him. "No, I did not! You're going down!" Foxy said, running away, making Luffilia chase after him. After a cat and mouse chase with Luffilia being the cat and Foxy the mouse. Non of Foxy's tricks were working as she kept betting him. They were finally back on deck. Luffilia looked better of the two as Foxy was barely keeping his balance. "One more. Slow slow beam." Foxy said only for Luffilia to use a piece of broken mirror slowing Foxy down instead. "Want to know something? I haven't even used Hercules' strength once this whole fight, but now." Luffilia said, hitting him in the stomach. Foxy had tears running down his face as he felt the full impact as his slow beam started to wear off, sending him flying out of the ring.

Now they were waiting for Luffilia to choose only to meet with the most friendliest smile as she looked at their jolly rager. "There know that's better." Luffilia said smuggling white paint on her cheek as the Foxy pirates know renamed split head looked at their new jolly rager. The word Split head was written sloppily, and so was the skull and cross bones looking sloppily. "Split head!?" Foxy said as it down on him that he was forever stuck with that name. "I never knew Luffilia could be that cruel." Nami said, trying not to crack a smile as Usopp, Chopper, and Sanji were laughing. Zoro and Robin just smiled as Luffilia looked proud.

As Luffilia dragged the Foxy's old flag back to Tonjit's hut. Luffilia explained everything to the other's as they made their way to the hut. Luffilia stopped making everyone look at her. "Luffilia, what's wrong?" Chopper asked, falling her line of sight. There stood a tall man wearing a sleep mask talking to Tonjit. Robin fell backward, making everyone turn to her. "Robin?" Luffilia asked, seeing fear in her eyes. "Do you know that guy?" Nami asked as Robin gave a short nod. "Yes, that's admiral Aokiji of the Marines." Robin said as dread came over everyone as they looked at him. "Okay then." Luffilia said, seeing a poooolarbear walking by.

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