Water 7

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They have made it to Water 7. The entire island was just this one big city surrounded by water with canals going through the city. It also seems that pirates are common here that locals are willing to tell them the best place to port.

Once anchor, Luffilia changed into a sporting red sleeveless hoodie with white jean shorts with the gold armlet, her usual sandals, and hat. Nami, Usopp, and Luffilia then left to exchange the gold for belis. While Sanji went food shopping, Robin and Chopper decided to find a bookstore.

To get around Water 7 Nami, Usopp and Luffilia had to ride these seahorse like creatures pulling boats called Bulls. Luffilia had the gold with her as Usopp, and Nami shared the other one. The first thing they did was go to an exchange currency where they had an auditor check their gold. "Hundred million belis?" Luffilia said, not looking amused while that is a lot to them her bounty is that much. "That is a lot." Usopp said as the girls looked at each other.

Luffilia gave a nodded to Nami as she started to negotiate the real price of the treasure. Nami turned the one hundred million to three hundred million. Each took a suitcase filled with a hundred million as they left the exchange building. "Next stop to the ship yeard!" Usopp said, holding his suitcase with both hands walking to the Bulls singing about Merry going to be fixed.

Nami smiled and even giggled at Usopp  song when she turned to Luffilia. Nami saw that Luffilia's smile was on the smaller side and not big and bright as it usual. "Luffilia?" Nami asked, looking at her captain concerned. While Nami had questioned Luffilia in the past, it took her until the battle with Eneru to stop questioning Luffilia motives.

This, though Nami, is going to have to question. "Is everything alright?" Nami asked as they walked to their Bulls. "It nothing I might be wrong." Luffilia said with her normal smile back. Nami didn't push it as Luffilia didn't think too much of it.

They are now on their way to the shipwrights, so someone could assess the damage of the Going Merry. They saw the shipbuilding factory earlier with a crowd, but now the crowd was gone, and everyone was back at work. "We need to find who again?" Luffilia asked as she held her suitcase in front as she got off the Bull only to fall backward, Nami grabbed the money, and Usopp grabbed Luffilia before she fell into the canal below.

Usopp decided he would hold the money after that as Luffilia walked over to the gate. "Excuse me." Luffilia said to a man with a high collar coat and a hat with the word gallery stich on came to her. "Hello, miss. How can I help you?" He said, showing his face with a big nose like Usopp's. "We're looking for Mr. Iceberg." Nami said after Luffilia kept looking from the ship carpenter to Usopp.

Nami told the not Usopp that they had an introductory letter from Kokoro to Iceberg. The not Usopp then told them that Iceberg was a very busy man being mayor of Water 7, president of Galley LA and manager of the sea train. "Wow, he's a busy man." Luffilia said at all he does. Kaku started to starch as he told them he would look at the damage so that way when they do speak to Iceberg, they can discuss the cost.

The three watched as the guy jumped down, heading to their ship just as a pair came to greet them. The man with blue hair told the Cosmic Pirates that his name is Kaku and he is called the mountain wind and part of dock 1 carpenter forman. That guy is actually Iceberg, and for some reason, he has a mouse in his pocket.

Luffilia wasn't really focusing on the conversation as she was more focused on the mouse, thinking about their octopus back in the Going Merry and how she wanted a tank to put it in. 'I should really name the octopus. Oh, Kraker Jack seems like a cool name. Maybe I should ask Robin for a name suggestion.' Luffilia thought at the same time thinking how Iceberg is spoiled.

Iceberg's secretary Kalifa started to kick at them. Apparently, Luffilia didn't think those words she said them out loud. Dodging the flying kicks, Luffilia saw Usopp was knocked out, and Nami was on the ground covering her head. "Jezz, I'm sorry, okay." Luffilia said, missing all the kicks only to see Iceberg's face swelled up because of her lack of aim.

Nami handed him the letter from Kokoro, to which he ripped up because of the kissing mark. While they wait for the assessment, Iceberg decided to show them around the factory. Usopp remembered the money turn to grab it only to see a couple of men wearing spenders with goggles taking their money. "Our money!" Usopp yelled in surprise. Luffilia was about to do something when a man jumped down from the bridge above, knocking the thieves out of their boats.

The man was part of the Galley LA company, so getting their money back wouldn't be a problem if only the man Paulie wasn't so greedy. Luffilia was about to if it wasn’t for a man with a pigeon telling her to stay back. "Did that pigeon just talk?" Luffilia asked with both Nami and Usopp nodded. "Wait, why aren't you doing anything that's our money." Usopp said poking at Luffilia. "I was, but people keep beating to me, and I got distracted easily." Luffilia said as Nami stepped forward. Thinking Luffilia was going to get an earful from Nami, she was surprised that Nami turned to Usopp. "Also, you took the one Luffilia had because she was falling backward on a miss step, so how was our captains problem when you were to keep track of the money in the first place." Nami said, standing in front of Luffilia.

Apparently, those guys are part of the Franky family ship dismantlers and bounty hunters. While learning about the Franky family, the guy with the talking pigeon came back with Paulie and their money. Luffilia reached out to grab them when Usopp took them from her. "I'll be better at taking care of them." He said in a very serious voice as Luffilia nodded, smiling back at him. "I'm counting on you, Usopp." Luffilia said, turning her attention back on the shipwrights with a quick glance at Usopp's slight shaking hands tightening around the handles.

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