For Usopp

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Nami headed straight to the Merry where the compass shows Zoro, Sanji, and Chopper were while Luffilia looked around for Robin. "We'll be back Usopp." Nami said once Luffilia took flight again. Usopp grabbed Nami's wrist and threw tears, telling Nami he couldn't face the other, not when they had the money to fix the Merry.

Nami reassured Usopp that everything would be fine and the Franky family would get it. Moving him up right, Nami left Usopp there. "No, I have to prove my worth to Luffilia. I have to get that money back for the Merry." Usopp said, getting up even when his body screamed at him to stop.

Luffilia looked down, hoping to find Robin. "She's here. I just don't know where." Luffilia said, watching as the needle face down words with the purple lily glowing showing that Luffilia is tracking Robin. "She wouldn't leave us." Luffilia said, floating still before making the decision to head back to Usopp, hoping Chopper would be there soon.

Once back to where they left Usopp, Luffilia sees Chopper, Sanji, and Zoro looking around. "He's gone?" Luffilia asked, jumping off Pegasus and leaving it burst into shiny dust. "Yeah, when we got here, he was gone." Zoro said as Chopper explained that Usopp ran off with a trail of blood. "Did you find Robin?" Sanji asked, to which Luffilia told him what she knows. "Let's worry about her later. Right now, we have bigger problems." Zoro said as everyone agreed, heading to the Franky family hideout.

As they got there, Usopp was lying unconsciously, shocking everyone. "Is he going to be okay, Chopper?" Luffilia asked as Chopper checked on him. "He'll be fine. I can save him." Chopper said as the others nodded, understanding. Facing the hideout, the four members of the Cosmic Pirates came to the door.

Just then, one of the bounty hunters came out to see human form Chopper, Zoro, Luffilia, and Sanji.  Luffilia summoned taurus, knocking the guy down. "That's the celestial witch, Luffilia!" One of the bounty hunters said shock to see her. Another hunter grin at the thought of capturing a big-name pirate worth 100,000,000 belis. "So you came to get the money back. How stupid are you, little girl. You're no match for us with that weakling in your crew. You must be a joke, you and your crew. Why don't you leave your heads while you still have the chance little." The hunter said, not finishing his sentence before Luffilia hit straight at his armor.

The bounty hunters started to laugh, explaining that their armor was made out of strong iron that even battleships can not destroy. That was until they heard the sound of cracking coming from the armor. Looking closely, Luffilia had her star chain wrapped around her arm, giving her some extra power with Hercules and her own strength, making the iron break under the pressure. "It broke!" Several men said as another hit from Aries this time took the guy out.

The bounty hunters fired canons, and Zoro sliced them down. They tried to leave through the back door, and Sanji stopped them. While trying to leave from the windows, Chopper got involved. This is no longer about the money, this all had to do with them messing with Usopp. That's what Luffilia thought as the hunters try to talk their way out. "Don't kill any of them this is a message." Luffilia said as small sparkles glicen around her.


Luffilia stood on the crest moon of the once hideout of the Franky family looking around, deciding what needed to be done. Hope to explain everything to her crew and her decision being best for everyone. While she knows Usopp loves Merry, Luffilia knows she's not holding up well, Alabaster and Skypia made sure of that. "Should we go after that Franky guy?" Sanji asked as Zoro pointed out they don't know where he was even with all the underlings they fought. "No, we are heading back to the Merry." Luffilia said, turning to face Zoro and Sanji. "And telling everyone my decision about the Merry." Luffilia said, looking at Chopper as he fixed up Usopp as Sanji and Zoro understood.

Sanji stands next Luffilia as they walk to Chopper blow out smoke before turning to his captain. "He's not going to take it well." Sanji said as Luffilia told him she knew. "I'm going to explain Merry's condition, and hopefully, we'll come to an understanding." Luffilia said as everyone knows Usopp has a better attachment to the Going Merry than anyone else. "You're the captain, so of course you have the final say." Zoro said, helping to lift Usopp with Sanji as they headed back to the Merry. 'Yeah, but I still want his imput after all his treasure gave it to him.' Luffilia thought, grabbing Chopper to hold him close.

Back on the Merry, Luffilia looked through the catalog when Chopper told them that Usopp was awake. Excitedly, Luffilia ran into the gallery where Usopp covered head to toe was awake. He watched as his friends came in to check on him before bowing before them in forgiveness about losing the money. "It's okay, Usopp. You are alive and well, and that is way better than money." Luffilia smiled at him as she continued to look through the catalog.

Usopp looked through his teary eyes, explaining how they would fix the Merry with only a hundred million belis. Luffilia, stop looking at the catalog before turning to face Usopp. "The Merry is unfixedable." Luffilia said, shocking Usopp where he gives a quivering smile. "You're joking, right." Usopp said, looking around as everyone there said nothing. "It's the keel that is wrong with the Merry." Luffilia said, going into explaining what shipwrights told them.

After explaining, Usopp never even looked up once, just sitting there quite. "I'm pathetic." Usopp said, shocking everyone. "You're not pathetic, Usopp." Nami tried to reason with Usopp as tears hit his hands. "I tried to get the money back for what we needed, but all of that pain wasn't necessary." Usopp said, looking up at Luffilia as she gave a smile. "I wouldn't say necessary. You did what you thought was best for the crew, and the Merry following your instincts is one of the best qualities a pirate can have." Luffilia said, smiling at Usopp before turning to the catalog.

Usopp got up, ignoring Chopper, who told him to sit back down. "Luffilia!" Usopp yelled as Sanji and Zoro took a sharp inhale of breath as Nami asked what he was doing. Luffilia turned around to see Usopp down on his knees face to the floor and arms to his head bowing before her. "Please forgive me for all the trouble I cause everyone today. I wasn't strong enough to do anything, and I went in weaponless knowing I didn't stand a chance. I shouldn't be part of your crew." That statement made everyone look at Usopp at the words that came out of his mouth.

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