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Luffilia and Nami flow down to the shipyard, where many others came to know what happened and to know any updates on Iceberg condition. "This is weird." Luffilia said, coming to a stop in midair to look at all the reporters and civilians waiting for updates on Iceberg's condition.

Nami looked over Luffilia's shoulder, nodding. "Yeah, it's impossible to get any information from here." Nami said, hearing the people asking several questions about Iceberg. "Maybe we can fly over?" Luffilia said just as music was heard catching everyone's attention.

The people started to freak out when hearing the music looking over Luffilia, and Nami saw three silhouettes. Two looking females and a male's shadow dancing and singing. People started to run away as Luffilia and Nami stared at each other, then back at the groving group. "Who's the weirdo?" Luffilia asked only to hear the guy calling out the name Franky. "Come on out, Celestial Witch!" Franky yelled where Luffilia just looked at him in the air while he was on the bridge. "You called?" Luffilia said, staring face to face with him on the Pegasus as Nami tried to talk her out of the conflict. "So you're the one who destroyed my hideout." Franky said, looking at the petite girl.

Luffilia, not caring about the money Franky had spent, more angry for what he did to Usopp. "You really make me mad." Luffilia said as Franky sent the same sediment back to her.

Franky inhaled before blowing fire. Luffilia dodged that shock of fire breathing. "What was that?" Nami asked, holding on to Luffilia. "Was that a fruit?" Luffilia that trying to wrap her head around what she saw. Franky then jumped down into the water. "What is he?" Luffilia asked before getting up on the Pegasus. "Nami, get on land. I'm going to need all the power I have." Luffilia said before following after him.

Nami nodded before getting on the less crowded street as Luffilia landed on top of the water. "She can walk on water!" One of the women with the square hair style yelled. Luffilia just stood, still waiting for Franky to come back up dodging his fist when he came up. "I heard about your powers, but I never thought you could stand on water." Franky said, shooting out his arm, trying to land a hit on Luffilia. Luffilia grabbed hold of his hand, pulling him away from the ship yeard.

Nami questioned what Franky was seeing him blow fire, swim, and now lunched his hand. "Is that all?" Luffilia asked as Franky pulled back his arm. "What are you?" Nami asked as Franky answered as he grinned at them. "Oh, you don't know?" Franky said sarcastically, clicking back his hand. "I'm a cyborg." Franky said, attacking Luffilia as she conjured up Aquila to send the steel eagle to hit his stomach.

"Listen here, Speedo guy, you attacked one of my crew, which made him doubt himself, and that almost killed his dream." Luffilia said, conjuring Canis Major, a giant dog. "Wow, big dog." Franky said, attacking the dog while also defending off the steel eagle. "Dam girl, you don't mess around, do yeah?" Franky said, opening his palm before shooting a bullet missing her just by a hair hitting the ship yeard.

Luffilia looked over at the hole in the front gate before turning to Franky. "Don't you have any respect! That is ice pop's ship yeard!" Luffilia yelled, sending Leo out. "A pirate with respect, don't make me laugh." Franky said, throwing another punch at Luffilia, which hit her. It would have thrown her into a crane if not for Octans breaking her fall.

Just then, the forman from dock one came by. "You got some nerve coming here, Celestial Witch." Paulie said as everyone stared down at her. "Thank goodness the forman are here, Franky and the Celestial Witch fighting." A shipwright said as another continued. "Yeah, at least the Celestial Witch calls out Franky's behavior and tries to get away from the shipyard." Nami said in a deeper voice, making others agree with her. Paulie turned to Luffilia as she stood up, dusting herself off when Paulie tied her up.

Luffilia turned to face them with confusion on her face. "You got some nerve to show your face." Paulie said with Luffilia visibly confused where Fanky also laughed about how she also pissed off the Galley La company. "I don't get it?" Luffilia said, looking at the shipwrights. "I'm second guessing she doesn't know." Kaku said, seeing the very confused face of the celestial witch. Franky that the Galley La company was taking his bounty and decided to speak up about it. "Hey, you jerks. I got to girly first." Franky yelled as Galley La company got ready to fight.

Luffilia looked very confused but stayed put as she saw the shipwrights. "I haven't done anything to you guys, though. Him, yes, you no." Luffilia said as Blueno shot of a gun where it fazed through Luffilia. "A devil fruit?" Blueno said, watching as Luffilia fade leaving glittering effec, only to be knocked out by an invisible force. "Where the hell was that for?" Blueno said, pointing to his fellow shipwrights. "Oi! That girl is my problem, so stay out of it." Franky said, targeting the shipwrights.

Kaku leaps towards Franky attacking him. "Franky, stand down. You're in our way." Kaku said just barley dodge Aquila as it fly by them. "?" Kaku looked around only to see a bird but doesn't. The rest also looked around for that bird but didn't see it.

Luffilia just stood off to the side, looking at them before summoning Serpens and kicking Rob Lucci in the face as the snake knocked on the shipwrights down before laying down on them, then summoning Taurus to do the same to Franky. "Okay, know that you guys have time to cool down. Are you going to use your words and tell me why you decide to attack me?" Luffilia voice carry as Chamaeleon wears off, showing herself.

Franky tried to get the bull off of him but couldn't as well as the shipwrights as well. People around them talk about what happened. "Well?" Luffilia asked, eyebrow raised, looking down at them. "We should be the one to get an explanation from you!" Paulie said, trying to get the snake off of him. "Somebody attacked Iceberg last night and that somebody was you guys, wasn't it!" Paulie said, pointing at Luffilia from under the snake.

Luffilia looked shocked as many others did as well. "Don't be an idiot. Why would we attack the president of the Galley where we want to get a ship. That doesn't make sense. Have we disrespected any of you yesterday? I am a pirate, but I'm not unreasonable. You guys attacked be first, and I haven't attacked you even now, have I?" Luffilia said as both Franky and the shipwrights know she was saying is true.

Paulie continued on. "After the mayor came to, he said there were two assassins, and when we asked the government, they said one of them was traveling with you, a Nico Robin." Paulie said, making Nami and Luffilia eyes widen at that statement.

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