What's is going on

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Luffilia eyes widened, staring at Usopp as everyone did as well. "It's okay," Luffilia started, but Usopp wouldn't let that happen. "But it's not. You try to protect the Merry so many times. You even protect me all the time I try to fight, but I was too weak. Then my slingshot broke, and you gave me a gesture of goodwill for that bow, but I just couldn't, I didn't deserve that." Usopp said as tears ran down as everyone stared in shock at what Usopp proclaimed.

Luffilia was shocked at what was happening, but it made sense. Ever since they left long ring long island, Usopp been off. Luffilia didn't think it was this big. She was focused on Robin's decision and that maybe where she went wrong. Luffilia has in courage Usopp at his own pace, thinking he would get to his dream at his own pace and his own time by being there to cheer him on. Luffilia couldn't understand, and that is hurting her and him. "Usopp," Luffilia started only for him to look up with tears and snot through anger, yelling.

"The only reason I'm here is because Merry now you're going to throw me away just Merry." Usopp yelled, startling everyone. "Usopp, you're taking this too far, Luffilia say something." Nami said, looking at her wide-eyed captain. "I'm not. You took me with you because you felt pity or maybe you had to because of Merry!" Usopp yelled when Luffilia got up and slapped him. "Luffilia!" Nami and Chopper yelled as Sanji and Zoro stood close by. "Enough with these stupid excuses Usopp! I don't regret anything, not you, not Robin, not Chopper, Nami, Sanji, or Zoro. You guys are my crew. I wanted you to be with us to have adventures, to be my eyes and not the ship's. The Merry is a ship we love, but it's not the only reason I told you to get on the Merry." Luffilia yelled, staring down at Usopp.

Taking a deep breath in Luffilia, try to calm down when Usopp spoke again. "How can you say that when your dream is to be the pirate king. Why would you want someone like me to be here if not because of the Merry." Usopp said, not understanding why everyone was upset at his words. "I'm not strong, I lie, I shoot pellets with a slingshot." Usopp continued only to stop when Luffilia grabbed him by his overalls. "Stop talking like you know everything because you don't!" Luffilia yelled, tears just peeked at the corners.

"I don't care to have the strongest crew. We'll get there one day, but not today it takes time, Usopp. I want everyone to be strong. In order for that to happen, it has to be on your time and your way. I want us to be strong for our dreams, so I will always be in couraging you, Usopp." Luffilia said as tears finally escaped.

Usopp pulled her hand away from him as he wiped his nose. "I made up my decision and chose to leave the crew, I'm not strong enough to be here, Luffilia." Usopp said, tears running down. "I'm just slowing everyone down. Leave the Merry with me when you choose a new boat." Usopp said, walking away from the shocked crew. "If this is because you don't think you're strong enough, then let's fight to show me how far you came!" Luffilia said, not looking at Usopp hands shaking that she had to grab them.

"Prove to me that you don't belong with us, show us." Luffilia said, pushing Sanji away when he tried to comfort his captain.

Usopp left after telling her they would fight at 10 that night. Luffilia also soon left, ignoring Nami's attempts. "Luffilia, you can't!" Nami started only for the door to the gallery slam closed. "Why would she start a fight with Usopp, especially in his condition?" Chopper asked, worried about what transpired. "Luffilia said that because Usopp's self-esteem is low, he doesn't feel valued." Zoro said, taking a drink from his mug. "But he's a valuable member." Nami said, still in shock. "We know that Luffilia knows that. The only person who doesn't know that is Usopp. Usopp feels lost. He has been taking care of the Merry, and all his hard work to keep it in shape was worthless." Sanji said, lightning a new cigarette.

Nami soon left after that to find Luffilia. Nami found Luffilia on the figurehead, her head barred into her knees arm holding them. "I'm not changing my mind." Luffilia said, not looking up at Nami. "Just go easy on him, talk to him." Nami said, watching as Luffilia turned to her. "I tried, you saw I tried. I don't want him to leave, but maybe this is what he needs." Luffilia said, turning to face the sea.

Zoro came out not long after that, taking a set next to the ram head. "You're still not a bad captain. This is just shity." Zoro said, closing his eyes on letting the twilight hours shine against his back.

Hearing the familiar pitter patter of Choppers feet, Luffilia and Zoro looked over to see him leaving. "I'll be back. I want to try to talk to Usopp, please." Chopper asked, getting the go-ahead from Luffilia with her also asking to check his condition while he's at it.

Sanji and Nami sat in silence in the Galley, Sanji put the kettle on the stove to make some tea for everyone. "This feels wrong, Usopp and Luffilia fighting." Nami said head on hand while tapping her fingers. "I know, but what can we do." Sanji said, setting a cup of tea next to Nami.

Just then, Chopper came back from checking on Usopp. Chopper placed his medic bag on the table before climbing onto the bench. "I thought you went after Usopp?" Nami asked as Chopper looked down. "I wanted to treat his wounds, but he brushed me off, saying we aren't shipmates anymore." Chopper said tears and snot came out his face as he went on to explain his worries that the crew was going to fall apart.

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