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So after figuring who was doing which challenge with Usopp, Robin and Nami were going to do the donut race. Sanji, Zoro, and Chopper were doing the groggy ring, and Luffilia, after winning a game of rock, paper, scissors, was going to do the battle. "Still can't believe I have to work with you." Zoro and Sanji growled at the same time. The first game, the donut race, had a team of three rowing a boat made from barrels around the land they were on.

As the other's made their boat, Luffilia cheered for her crew once they went in the ocean. "Don't lose Usopp, Nami, Robin!" Luffilia yelled as Sanji told Usopp that if anything happened to Nami or Robin he'll will pay. "What about me?" Luffilia asked when Sanji turned to her with heart in his eyes. "I'll beat Zoro if you lose." Sanji said as Zoro turned to them."Oi!" Zoro said as they angrily growled at each other before paying attention to what the announcer was saying.

Just as he said go, bullets and cannons were fired, hitting an invisible shield. Foxy's once smug face turn to shock. "Are you sure you felt rain drops, guys?" Foxy overheard, turning to the Cosmic pirates as Luffilia looked up to the clear sky. Sanji, Zoro, and Chopper, who ended up in Luffilia's arms, all nodded. "Sure did right, Zoro." Chopper said as Zoro grunt in agreement. "Okay, but why not over Usopp, Nami and Robin?" Luffilia asked, looking at Sanji. "We don't want to disturb them." Sanji said as Luffilia nodded in understanding.

As the race goes on, the Foxy pirates try to penetrate the invisible barrier. While the rest of the Cosmic pirates kept Luffilia from telling anyone. "Let's go, Hamburg." Foxy said, hopping to interfere with the race on the other side. "Will it go through?" Hamburg asked as they made their way to the finish line as Foxy once again had a smug look. "Oh, it will." Foxy laughed with Hamburg joining him. Once they reach their destination, they try to think of a way to stop them. Foxy shot an arrow, but it bounced off the barrier, a sign they placed before the games didn't slow Usopp and the girls. Even the fake goal didn't work.

Foxy became frustrated seeing that they were close to winning. Non of his tricks work, not even his slow slow beam until Hamburg hit it with his bare hand. The look of shock was shown when everything they tried couldn't even make a crack, but a simple punch took it out. Luffilia looked to her crew once the barrier broke to feel no rain. "You tricked me!" Luffilia said, looking shocked as the boys all looked away. "It was for the greater good." Chopper said, and Sanji and Zoro nodded. "Slow Slow Beam!" Foxy yelled just as the Barrel Tiger was right at the finish line, letting the Cutie Wagon cross over.

They watched as Foxy looked at all of them before looking at Chopper. "The first one I want is Tony Tony Chopper!" Foxy said as one of his men picked Chopper out of Luffilia arms. The whole time, Chopper cried, wanting to go back to his friends. Luffilia stood with hands out before turning away as Chopper cried and asked for help, but stop once Zoro told him to suck it up and be a man. That got him to sit down, crossing his hands with a stone cold face, ignoring Porche as she snuggled him. As Zoro and Sanji get ready for the Groggy Ring Nami, turn to face Luffilia. "Hey, are you okay?" Nami asked only to move back when Luffilia looked up with determination in her eyes. "Zoro, Sanji, don't give up!" Luffilia said, smiling as she turned to Nami and the others. "Let's win back, Chopper." Luffilia said as stars form in her yes.

With a purpose now as they moved on as the announcer gave rules and regulation. Chopper still refuses to move his arms or break his composure and watch on feeling uncomfortable with Porche snuggling him. 'It doesn't feel right. I already miss you guys, but I have to be a man and pray that you guys can get me back.' Chopper thought as Sanji and Zoro argued with each other.

To stop the arguing about who the ball Nami piped in. "Sanji~, that ball looks great on you." Nami called out changing Sanji's attitude. "Okay, anything for you~" Nami, my dear!" Sanji said, strapping the ball on his head as Zoro handed his swords to Luffilia once told that weapons are not allowed. "Luffilia, you should use your devil fruit powers and help them out." Nami whisper as Luffilia shook her head no. "Nope, these two don't need help." Luffilia said as Foxy smirked as he looked at them. "Are you sure Celestial Witch?" Foxy said as Luffilia ignored him as she cheered on. "Did you say something split head?" Luffilia said once again, hitting his fragile ego.

As the challenge went on, Zoro and Sanji stubbornness and rivalry kept them from being easy targets. At the same time, it also hinders them from working together to win. The referee kept looking away when the Foxy Pirates team started to use weapons. "Just this once work together!" Luffilia yelled, trying to attack the referee, but Usopp held her back. "You heard our captain." Zoro said as both him and Sanji got up as blood dripped down. "Just for ten seconds." Sanji said as they stood in front of their opponents. For once, they worked together, hitting Big Pan into the goal without cheating. Luffilia cheered, holding on to Usopp as they jumped up and down with excitement.

Chopper started to cry, knowing that they would be taking him back. Porche is holding on to him, refusing to let go. Luffilia was happy that they won as she turned to look at Chopper only to stop. "Wait, Luffilia, let's think about this, if we take their captain, then they don't have anyone to lead, and we can take Chopper back." Nami said only to be met with a face of horror by Luffilia. "You do realize Navigator if we do go with your proposal, he will be joining our crew." Robin said as it sinked in as the boys' faces also looked in disgust. Chopper happily got out of Porche's arms and all but ran straight into Luffilia's arms just as she called his name.

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