under the full moon fight

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It was 10 at night. Luffilia went to retrieve a new version of her chain whipe from Usopp's workshop in the small storage space. Usopp changed some things at one end, which is a circle bigger than the stars, making it easier to hold on that end. One side of each star has been sharpened to leave uneven cuts that can dig into people's skin, but only with a certain amount of pressure would make a cut safe for her to wear like a belt.

"Should she be using that, Usopp made it for her?" Chopper asked as everyone stood on the deck of the Merry waiting for Usopp to show up. "That's exactly why she's using it. This fight is to show how far Usopp has made it." Zoro said, seeing Usopp coming from town. "What is he going to use to fight with? He lost his slingshot." Nami asked, seeing Usopp empty-handed. "That idiot should know better than to show up empty-handed, especially when going against our cute captain." Sanji said, blowing out smoke.

Usopp came standing a good distance away from Luffilia. "Usopp, you better show me how strong you gotten. I refuse to give up on you." Luffilia said as Usopp pulled out a pistol this time. "I the great Usopp thought it was time to upgrade my gear and face my fear." Usopp said, holding the pistol.

This pistol had a single chamber that Usopp flicked open and dropped his homemade pellets in. "Due to the lack of slingshots, I had to make the hard decision and use this." Usopp said, flipping the pistol up and ready. "I choose this one because it can perfectly fit all my pellets I made. the only downside is that it only holds one pellet at a time." Usopp said, firing the pellet at Luffilia.

The pellet explodes, spreading a cloud of smoke around Luffilia.

Luffilia stood still not able to see anything until the feeling of an object was coming close to her. Moving at the last minute, Luffilia saw it was one of Usopps stink bombs soon another and another came towards her. Dodging them was easy to Luffilia it only got harder when Usopp threw a stink bomb exploding onto her. "Ew, that's disgusting!" Luffilia said, covering her nose when the moring stars scratched her arm, leaving a small cut. "Getting better." Luffilia said, smiling before whipping the chain in Usopp direction.

Usopp managed to dodge the chain by a few centimeters dipping into a roll and then shooting again. This time, he used a flash dial distracting her, but with her cele cele no mi lights don't really affect her much. She moved wrapping with the chain around her hand, dodging more moring stars and stink bombs. "You got to do better than this Usopp. You are better than this." Luffilia said, swinging the chain again. "This is how I fight!" Usopp yelled, then smiled, seeing where she landed. "But I got you where I want you." Usopp said just as the chain came at him, shooting one more pellet.

Luffilia looked around after hearing a hissing sound and a cloud of smoke. "Fire star!" Usopp yelled. Luffilia looked up, seeing a ball of fire coming at her. A smile appeared on her face as she looked at Usopp.

While yes, Luffilia didn't go out of her way to truly fight Usopp, that wasn't her purpose. He came to a conclusion on his own and stood up against her, making her proud. "Proud of you," Luffilia said as the fire touched the gas, setting the area on fire. At the same time, Usopp felt a hand touch his shoulder. "Usopp." It was Luffilia right as the explosion happened destroying the Luffilia clone.

Usopp stared in shock as specks of light flash where Luffilia stood, leaving him dumbfounded. "You're  getting there, Usopp. See, you got the real me." Showing off the cuts from the moring stars. "As you refuse to let me talk." Luffilia said, wrapping Usopp in the chain. "You listen to me, your captain!" Luffilia said, pushing Usopp down. "Hey, ow that hurt. I'm sitting on one of my morning stars." Usopp complained about as the chain got tighter. "Also, I left, so you're not my captain anymore. I'm not good enough." Usopp said only to scream in fear seeing the dead pan look Luffilia wear.

"Usopp~, the captain never gave you permission to leave this crew. While I would never hurt my own crew members, your self-esteem is getting in the way. You are a pirate. Usopp, this isn't a game it never was. I chose you because I saw something in there." Luffilia said, letting her words finally sink in. "I hate talking about this, and I think that is where the problem lies with me. I'm never taken seriously. I thought my actions would speak lounder than any words I say, and so far, they have. Maybe I should use my words with you." Luffilia said, losing the chain letting go of Usopp. "I'm refusing your refusal to leave this crew. The reason you are not good enough is not a good enough answer for me." Luffilia said, shocking Usopp and the crew.

Luffilia held out her hand to Usopp for him to take. "I will always cheer you on one step at a time to become brave, you scaredy cat. I will understand if you still need space to process everything." Luffilia said, looking at the Merry walking to the ship, placing a hand the Merry. "Let's pack up. This would be the last time we will be on the Merry." Zoro said, knowing his captain is saying goodbye to the ship.

Usopp just sat there letting Luffilia words sink in. For all the traveling they did so far, Luffilia always was a girl of action while everyone else just spoke. Luffilia did cheer him on every little mild stone, not due to childish action but being supportive while showing it in a child like manner that is what she is known for. She doesn't take the world seriously because the world won't ever take her seriously, and Usopp selfishly forgot that.

Everyone there was hand-picked by her because she saw something in him. A girl one year younger than him told him she was proud of him. Now, giving him space to come to terms with the Merry. Maybe this is what he needs. No, this is what Luffilia needs, and she wants him there every step of the way to being there just like everyone else. "Goodbye, Merry."

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