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Luffilia, Usopp, and Chopper looked to each other before turning back to Tonjit. After explaining that he doesn't know them, Tonjit told them the bamboo where stilts. Tonjit tells them about the reason for the stilts and why everything was so long. "Please come into my home. Let me entertain you." Tonjit said as Luffilia and Chopper fallowed after him as Usopp stared at the snoooow leopaaard before running after them. Tonjit explains the reason why there was no village was because they were nomadic, and every three years, when the tide was low, they moved on. "If only I had a Hooooorse, then it would only take me five years to catch up to them." Tonjit said as Chopper thought about what he said.

Luffilia asked Tonjit as to why not to use a ship, where he explained that it's heard to navigate because it's still one island. "Wait, by hooooorse dose, that means horse?" Chopper asked, looking at Luffilia as it downed on her. "What we saw a horse!" Luffilia said, remembering Sherry as they race out to see her. Tonjit and Sherry reunited after ten years apart. Tonjit, after so long, took Sherry for a ride like they did ten years ago. "Look at how happy they are!" Luffilia said as she, Chopper and Usopp, all sat on the grass watching Tonjit and Sherry enjoy themselves.

Just as their little peaceful reunion started, it came to an end when a shot was fired. "What!?" Luffilia said as Usopp and Chopper ran to them to check on them. As Luffilia was about to fallow, she heard laughter from behind. There stood three people a woman and monkey(?) wearing masks with a man with an oddly shape nose looking smug. "Ahahahah! I nailed that horse! That horse is now mine!" The strange man said as the other two agreed. "Who the hell are you?" Luffilia yelled, angry someone would hurt Sherry, then call her theirs.

The strange man just smiled, looking proud of something as he looked at Luffilia smugly. "Who am I? How rude? Don't tell me you don't recognize my face?" He said, making Luffilia tilt her head as if to remember something. "Am I supposed to?" Luffilia said as Foxy became depressed when she didn't know who he was. "Don't be sad boss she knows who you are. She's just playing hard to get." Porche said as Hamburg just laughed. "My name is Foxy, the silver fox, and I'm the man who gets everything!" Foxy said as Luffilia no longer held interest in them and turned her back to check on Sherry. "Oh, it just grazed her. That's good. Hear that old geezer Sherry's going to be fine." Luffilia said once again, stricking Foxy's ego.

Foxy got up after some praising from Porche. "Now listen here, Celestial Witch Luffilia!" Foxy said, making Luffilia look back at him. "Oh, you saw my wanted poster." Luffilia said, smiling  as she once again struck Foxy down a peg. "Dosen't matter! We, the Foxy pirates, challenge you, the Cosmic pirates to a three coin day Davy Back Fight!" Foxy said as Luffilia turned to Usopp. "What's a Davy Back Fight?" Luffilia asked as Usopp told her that it was a series of games that gamble away of crew members instead of money. Once again, Foxy was struck hitting his ego as Luffilia once again ignored him.

Luffilia looked to them then back as Usopp. "So don't accept the challenge?" Luffilia said as Usopp nodded as Foxy just smiled. "Well, I heard challenge accepted, didn't we Porche?" Foxy said smug as Porche and Hamburg nodded. "Yes, I heard it loud and clear the word challenge so the Cosmic pirates accept it." Porche said as Usopp got defensive. "We never agreed!" Usopp yelled as Foxy just smiled. "I heard challenge and accept so...." Foxy said as Tonjit became mad. "Out of the way!" Tonjit said, holding a gun as Usopp and Luffilia grabbed hold of it. "Don't do this they're pirates, don't fire!" Luffilia said as they tried to pull the gun away only for Usopp and Tonjit finger lace the trigger.

The gun went off as all three held on to it as Luffilia just stared at it. "Oh, ohhh, do I see Celestial Witch's finger on the trigger?" Foxy said as Luffilia's finger was on the trigger guard, blocking the view of Usopp who pulled it when taking it out of Tonjit's hand. "Usopp, I blame you on this one." Luffilia said as Usopp hanged his head down. "I know~." Usopp said crying as know Luffilia accepted the terms of a Davy Back Fight. Luffilia turned to Foxy determination look on her face. "I accept your challenge split head!" Luffilia yelled as Usopp weeps on the ground beside them.

In a matter of seconds, booths, lights, and food all started to appear, making it look like a festival. "Wow, they sure don't hold back." Usopp said as Luffilia nodded, stuffing her face with noodles as she made her way up the stage. "Usopp, you better start talking." Nami said the others meet up. "Well, you see....." Usopp said before lying when Chopper stepped in. "Luffilia was tricked into accepting, and Usopp pulled the trigger when both of them prey the gun away from the old geezer." Chopper said as Usopp started to sweat bullets as Nami turned her head to him. "Did he know?" Nami as Usopp hide behind Zoro. "There was a big bird in the sky trying to eat Luffilia. I had to act fast before it could attack!" Usopp said as Nami got an evil glent in her eyes.

After Porche explained the vows of the Davy Back Fight and Luffilia swear to uphold these vows, the games begin. Luffilia went back to her crew to get a roster for the games while Nami still chewed out Usopp. "Nami, it's okay. What's done is done." Luffilia said smiling as Sanji gave her some cotton candy as they discussed who's going in what game. "Please don't let them take me." Nami begged hugging Luffilia as Zoro went over what the games.

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