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I feel like ever time I update with an A/N Ya'll get exited then disappointed because it's not a chapter.

*dangling in front of face* You want a chapter? *shake shake* You want it? *yeet* GO GET IT

Janus's POV:

Roman had left for filming about an hour ago. I sat waiting restlessly for his return.

He had insisted on me waiting one more day before resuming activities.

'Why don't I leave?' you may ask. I couldn't so much as open the door without being ushered back to bed by Logan, who was sitting outside, buried in a book. And my strength, while somewhat returning, was still greatly diminished, that being the case, I couldn't simply 'sink out' without blacking out shortly there after.

And so, I found myself utterly trapped and bored to tears. I even ending up counting the stars on the silk curtains draping from the bed.

Mindless ponderings bounced around in my brain like tumble weeds dancing across an empty plain. Sometimes one would get stuck on small rocks of curiosity, but eventually continued it's journey into the horizon.

An empty tune breathed across my dry vocal chords, humming a meaningless melody. I failed to remember the words, not much caring, simply trying to distract from the burning clouding my senses.

Hot air filled my lungs as they struggled painfully to keep up with the rest of my body.

Burning claws scratched at my throat, begging to be released, interrupting the sad hum.

I struggled to keep my relentless coughing to a minimum, my hand uselessly clamping over my mouth. 

Mumbles sounded from outside the door as I reached for the nearly empty glass of water.

The door handle jiggled as the door opened carefully. 

Two gentle hazel eyes peeked into the room, locking there gaze onto me.

"Took you long enough"

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