in sickness

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IM NOT DEAD!!! On the outside anyways.... :D

Deceit's pov:

I walked solemnly down the hall, Remus clambered after me attempting to break my composure with ridiculous and lewd remarks, at which he was failing. 

Remus was in the middle of a horrible pickup line when I was rushed with a sudden light-headedness. 

My feet stopped short as I felt an agonizing Itchy, dry pain claw at my lungs and stomach. I doubled over, my face contorting in agony, and started coughing and dry heaving. 

I raised my gloved hand to my mouth in attempt to muffle the noise.

I felt a hand thump roughly against my back. I let out a final cough, a metallic liquid surfacing from my throat.

"You okay Dee? Thats some cough. I didn't realize Thomas was even sick?"

I looked down at my hand. A spatter of blood evident against the pale yellow.

"He isn't."

I stood with the creative sides assistance.

Remus was quiet for a moment before cold realization pooled in his eyes.

"You don't mean- I-I y-y-you can't really be-"


I finished in a hoarse whisper, stumbling slightly due to sudden weakness. Remus grabbed my arms to steady me.

"No. We have to do something-"


"We HAVE to do something we can't just-"

"Remus. It's going to be okay-"

"Don't say that! I'm not just going to stand by and watch you die! I can't lose you too..."

We stood in solemn silence for what felt like an eternity.

I rested hand hand on Remus's shoulder only for it to be brushed off.

"don't touch me"

He whispered before walking away.

There I stood, alone in a hallway, and for the first time I realized...

I have so much to do.

disgust (roceit)Where stories live. Discover now