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Okay um. So.

How do I even-

Okay Hi. Hello. 

Hello boys.

And girlies.

And nonbinary swirlies.

Been a while eh? Yeah.

I mean the last time I posted a chapter was before Destiel went canon so yeah it's been awhile.

So I'm re writing this story. Because. I mean I wrote this when I was like 14-

And I'm still very much in love with Sander's Sides (not nearly as much as I was obviously but still)

And so here's me telling you that.

I will be putting it in it's own new story both on here and probably AO3

In fact I may or may not put the updated first chapter up TONIGHT.

But like wow thank you guys for the support on this story. Y'all are amazing.

- Mischieviem

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