Don't look

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Oi you! wanna... I dunno... Follow me on twitter? ???

Logan's pov:

I didn't know what time it was, just that it was late... Or perhaps early. Anyhow, I had been working for hours into the night attempting to work out a schedule for the upcoming week. 

It was no easy task due to the stay at home order, meaning filming was near impossible. Roman wasn't making my job any easier, seeing as he has hit a bit of an emotional roadblock. 

I groaned softly. Feelings. The bane of my existence.

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I attempted once again to regain focus on the task ahead.

I tapped my pen against the desk Idly.

The clock ticked deafeningly around me, drowning out any thought that graced my mind.

A few minutes, maybe hours, went by without a single movement on my part.




A panicked yell arose from across the house, barely audible. I looked up from the empty schedule, towards the door.


I shook my head and looked back down at the paper.

Probably just my imagination.

I laughed dryly. How ironic.

Still, something in the back of my mind remained bothered.

Rightfully so, it seems.

My head shot up when hurried footsteps made their way to my door. Forceful knocks accompanied the helpless yells of a very anxious prince.

"Logan, are you awake? This is kind of serious?! ohgodpleasebeawake-"

I got up and walked towards the door, calmly. 

There was no way I would have ever expected what awaited me.

For what I saw,

was Roman

carefully cradling

an unconscious Deceit

in his arms.

And he looked horrified.

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