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Roman's Pov:

After a long day of work, I love to go to the mind palace theatre and de-stress. Today was one of the days where I really needed it, after the whole fiasco with Ja-Deceit.

I was currently doing my rendition of Frozen the Musical, of course, and I was playing Elsa, obviously.

I acted out the last scene with flourish, bow-wing dramatically. 

I looked up in surprise at the sound of clapping.

"Bravo, Roman, Bravo"

Said a un-mistakable suave deep voice from the shadows of the auditorium.

Heterochromatic eyes glistened in the dark.

I grimaced,


His cocky grin faltered in the slightest. Deceit stood from his seat and walked slowly towards the stage, 

"I just told you my name, and you've forgotten it already?"

He jabbed, leaning against the edge of the stage. I rolled my eyes.

"I'd rather not give you the satisfaction."

The tense silence echoed around the spacious room. I shifted uncomfortably.

"So tell me, if you will, why it is you chose to plague my relaxation time with your presence?"

I sneered. He frowned, his eyes showed an emotion I had never seen him wear. Deceit looked down and fiddled with his gloves, his confidant facade seemingly vanishing.

"I uh-"

He gulped visibly, his Adam's apple bobbing.

"Well. Believe it or not. I came to apologize, for what I said back there. I was... Insensitive to say the least and for that I'm sorry."

I raised my eyebrow in disbelief. He continued.

"I don't expect you to forgive me in the slightest, and I know my words mean nothing to you. But, if it's any consolation to you, I didn't mean it."

I scoffed and looked away, swallowing a lump in my throat. Deceit sighed and smiled to himself, turning and beginning to walk away, hands in his pockets. He stopped suddenly.

"Nice dress by the way, suits you."

He said, turning before sinking down, a smirk on his face.

I blushed and hugged my sides.

What the hell was that?

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