drawn out apologies

726 51 15

I'm writing a chapter because you guy DESERVE IT JEEZ

Janus's pov:

I shook away the needless stress. Now of all times was no time to be anxious. 

I had things to do.

"How long was I out?"

I inquired with the smoothest and uncaring tone I could manage. Roman seemed to snap out of some kind of trance. He shifted slightly and muttered silently as if he were trying to recall something.

"-Two, maybe three days."

My jaw clenched. 

Time was running out.

I attempted to stand only for my knees to give out beneath me. The creative side rushed to steady me. Flinching, I pushed him away. 

He looked at me apologetically.

With a wave of my hand, my staff appeared. Using it to lean on, I once again attempted to stand, this time with success. I let out a relieved sigh and headed to the door on unsteady feet.

Roman seemed to be unrest with this however and grabbed my hand to stop me from progressing any further.

"You really shouldn't be walking..." He said still holding my wrist.

I sighed out of irritation, but complied none the less. After all I was in no place to to put up any sort of fight.

As much as this irritated me, some part of me knew that he was right. I shouldn't be walking. The only problem was... It wouldn't be too long before I can't do anything at all. My time was already numbered, and I planned to make the most of it. (RIP Unus Annus)

I looked at the creative side as he began to tidy up and couldn't help but wonder

What were his intentions.

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