It's just, that I haven't died yet

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Anyone get the reference, if so, I'm gonna make an AU ;)

Also Hi

S'been a second




sorry :'I

Have a sketch to make up for my absence

Roman's pov:

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Roman's pov:

I paced the room restlessly. This was taking too long. Though maybe that was due to my muddled sense of reality. A thousand questions raced in and out of my head. A thousand questions gone un answered.

I glanced over at the two other sides in the room. Two sides I had never bothered to get close to. Sighing in frustration I started furiously tapping my foot in an attempt to calm down. 

Logan hadInstantly helped upon seeing the state of the deceitful side, of which I was grateful.


It's not like I cared... who am I kidding of course I cared. I don't have it in me to not care. Besides It would be un princely of me not to.

I'm getting side tracked.

As if reading my mind, more likely my body language, Logan grasped my attention.

"Roman, If I may, It would be quite a help to explain what happened?"

He said calmly.

I looked at the ground, my uneasiness only growing. I stayed silent. Logan sighed.

"As expected. Well in any case, I'm glad you found him when you did. If you hadn't it would have only progressed faster without medical attention." He said, adjusting his glasses.

"Progressed? What do you mean progressed." I asked, snapping my head up.

He hesitated, shifting in his seat.

"I do not believe it is in my right to say." Logan said carefully, looking at the trait that now rested in his bed, his expression wary.

This only made me worry more.

My head spun a million miles an hour, attempting to uncover the meaning behind the words formerly spoken to me.

I once again began pacing. Dread clasped around my heart in an unrelenting grasp as my blood ran cold.

I didn't notice as Logan stood and walked up to me. He grasped my shoulders in an attempt to hold me still.

"Roman, calm down. I know I am not the most convenient person to calm your nerves, and I am by no means Patton. But if it consoles you at all, I apologize if I come off as blunt but, there was nothing you could have done better. You did the best anyone could have done in this situation and I commend you for that."

I fidgeted with my hands.

He sighed.

"Janus should be awake by tomorrow. If you like, we can take him to your room so you can keep an eye on him."

I tried to hide the relief, and admittedly a bit of excitement, from showing in my expression, failing miserably. Logan gave a soft smile, releasing my shoulders.

I laughed softly.

"For someone who claims to be emotionless, you sure are kind." I said teasingly.

He smiled, shushing me.

"don't go telling people now, I do intent to maintain my reputation."

And with that, we carried Deceit to my room and parted ways.

Ah yes, we love some platonic Logince.

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