Afternoon Walk

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Uhhh hey... how.. how y'all doin?

Sorry for being so absent. no I don't have an excuse unless simultaneously falling headfirst into the ace attorney, cuphead and dsmp fandoms counts. 


This bitch got a girlfriend >:D

(EDIT: This bitch lost a girlfriend)


Yet another person who has to deal with my crap XD


and also a hair cut.. I got short hair now

Thanks for the support through this book so far.

you deserve a treat

so here

have a redraw of art I did about a year ago



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annnnd the new one:

I didn't do a background because I'm lazy XD

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I didn't do a background because I'm lazy XD

(Edit: uh I started this awhile ago and my style has thus changed {also I noticed that bloody_mari134 found my Instagram and uh hi XD}

so... I redrew it again)

Anyways, on to the story!

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Anyways, on to the story!

Janus' Pov:

I pulled away, confused glee swelling in my chest. The warm laughter dissipating in the joyful room.

Roman coughed awkwardly and shook his head, as if to clear his thoughts.

A wide grin spread on his face as he offered his elbow.

"Shall we then?"

He asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

I sighed in mock annoyance and hooked our arms.

"We shall."

We walked out into the hallway, walking quietly along the corridor.

A burning sensation filled my lungs with each breath, yet I stayed determined. The sooner my illness was dismissed, the sooner I could continue my work.

In my concentration I failed to observe my surroundings, and found myself in unfamiliar surroundings.

Gentle green grass cushioned a wandering path, pink petals swirling from trees. A castle rested on a far away hilltop, a sleepy village scattered below. The clouds looked as if they were pulled out of a story book.

I stopped, taking in the scenery with mild wonder.

"The imagination."

I inferred, my voice hushed as to not disturb the scenes serenity.

"I hope that's okay. I simply thought it would provide more entertainment than wandering the house."

Roman glanced at me, humor in his expression.

I nodded my head distractedly, unable to form a proper response.

He waited a moment before urging us forward, for which I was grateful. If he hadn't I may have stayed still forever. 

We continued down the path, cherry petals brushing a gentle hello across my face. Mushrooms sprung up playfully around tree roots.

I noticed as I looked around the world seemed to shift as if to keep me entertained with each new glance, flowers springing up where they hadn't been before and such.


I thought in amusement.




After a good 30 minutes of walking, the path opened up into a field of clovers. 

A breeze gently danced across the meadow.

"Would you like to rest for a bit?"

I nodded, realizing my exhaustion. He smiled gently and sat, patting the ground next to him. Relief filled my chest as I sat down. Relaxation filled my body, sleepiness pulling my features.

The comforting sound of wind blowing across the field filled the silence between the two sides as they watched the clouds blow across the painted sky.

You'd never know someone as over the top as Roman could make a place so... peaceful.

I smiled, laying back against the grass and closing my eyes. A happy sigh escaping my lips.




I hadn't even realized I had fallen asleep until I felt roman gently shaking me awake.

My eyes fluttered open, looking up at a beautiful red sky.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep.."

I laughed to myself seeing Roman's patient smile.

"It's fine really. Are you good to walk back?"

I nodded carefully as he helped me stand.

We started back down the path. 

The scenery was bathed in a soft pink glow as the imaginary sun set against the tree line, pulling the calm scenery slowly into the illusion of night.

I yawned, exhaustion pulling the recesses of my mind, slowing my thoughts to a calm buzz.

"Thank you for this Roman."

Sorry this is short but this was the whole idea for this chapter so uh yeah

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