Calm and Collected

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I'm not dead! Also. I've dived head first into thee danganronpa fandom and gundham is best boy.

Janus's POV:


My brain felt like it was humming.

It was as I've all of the blood had rushed to my head.

I slowly opened my eyes to be met with the soft glow of sunlight sifting through curtains.

I blinked the tiredness from my eyes and sat up to catch my bearings.

However I did not recognize my surroundings. Squinting in confusion,  I looked down at my chest to find that I was without a shirt.

Don't feel scandalized, I did not lose the bottom half of my clothing.

I looked to my right to see my shirt folded nicely, the all to familiar bowler hat, gloves and Cape resting neatly on top.

And yet I was still none the wiser as to my whereabouts.

As if on que, I heard the door creak open. My head snapped towards the noise.

It's not as if I wasn't surprised. I suppose I've made it a habit not to Express such a needless feeling.

Not to sound like Logan or anything.

I was in fact shocked to see Roman enter the room.

To be honest - ironically- I expected his room to be messier. Or perhaps I'm just accustomed to the horrible site of Remus' room.

Roman apon entering the room noticed me sitting up.

"Ah! Your awake!"

He walked over to me so quickly, I half expected him to hug me in... relief? 

Now that's just silly.

He did not hug me however but simply placed a hand on my forehead.

I grimaced, not used to physical contact, and still not sure as to why I was even in Roman's room in the first place.

He pulled away,  his face flushing.

"S-Sorry. I guess I'm still a little shaken."

Confusion resumed control of my features.
Yet I stayed silent.

I attempted to recall the events of the previous night. Once I succeeded, dread filled my being, sticking in the back of my throat. I grew faint.

He had seen it.

Here was the lady person i needed to see me in such a weak state.

And yet here I was

At the mercy of a man who despises me.

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