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Well hello :3

Since I love you guys, here's a new chapter. Also, If this gets to 3,000 reads I'll do a face reveal. 

(   ͡° ͜ʖ   ͡° )

Janus's pov:

"Is there something you needed, Roman?"

I turned to face the fanciful side. His expression made it hard not to laugh. He looked as if he had just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar, In a cookie factory.. and his pants were down... and on fire...

"I- uh I-I, I just- I didn't- I-I wasn't"

He sputtered. I gave an amused smile.

"Oh sorry would you prefer, oh I don't know-"

I put my hand on my chin in a fake thinking pose.

" 'Why it is you chose to plague my relaxation time with your presence?' "

I said, Imitating his voice and harsh tone from before.

His face paled, laughing nervously as he looked away in defeat. I couldn't hold in a giggle this time.

"Oh calm down Roman, I'm only joking. Now really, Is there a reason for such an unexpected visit, Your majesty?"

I said crossing my legs gracefully before resting my cheek on my hand. He blushed out of embarrassment, clearing his throat.

"Well the thing is... I just... Well. I just heard you playing piano and got curious which side could possibly play piano so wonderfully is all."

He froze.

I blushed in surprise.

"sorry, sorry I didn't mean-"

"Didn't mean to compliment me? Oh believe me, I'm aware."

Scowling, I stood slowly sauntering to where the intruder stood. Roman stumbled back slightly. I grabbed the door handle, fully opening the door.

"Though I would love to be mocked in my own room, I highly suggest you leave before I do get upset."

I said coldly, placing my hand on my hip.

"No, thats not what I was- I wasn't trying to-"

Before he could even finish his excuse, I felt a sharp, familiar, painful, itch erupted in my chest. I grimaced before leaning on the door fully, stumbling. I doubled over in a coughing fit. Why now of all times? I thought in agony.

My lungs ached for air, yet I couldn't stop coughing. My vision started to blur as my ears began ringing.

"wh-ts go-ng -n ?"

Said a muffled, panicked voice.

"mh... fine.."

I mumbled in-between coughs.

Then I passed out.

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