Losing sleep

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Oh wOw a chAPtEr

Roman's pov:

I stared up at the ceiling, eyes aching for sleep. But I fought off the tiredness, because I knew the second I succumbed to the urge, it would bring the same nightmare.

My stomach wrenched at the thought.

The disturbing image stuck itself to my brain. 

I rolled onto my side (get it :3). Thirst tugged and scratched at the back of my throat. The clock read 3:00 AM. I sighed, sitting up, my feet touching the carpet. Quietly, I stood and made my way to the door, slowly opening it. 

I looked around the dark hallway, making my way down to the kitchen. My feet touched the cold tile of the kitchen floor and I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. 

I grabbed a cup from the cupboard and padded over to the sink. Cold water splashed into the glass. I sighed in relief as I brought the drink to my lips 

"Mission accomplished!"

I whispered to my self, putting the cup in the sink. I started up the stairs, halting in my tracks as I heard a familiar melody ring out from an unknown source. My curiosity got the better of me and I tip toed back down the stairs, following the gentle notes. I stopped once again when I saw where they were leading.

The dark sides hallway. 

My mind told me to turn back, but the warm melody pulled me into the shadows. Despite the fear that tugged at my stomach, I urged further and further down the hall until I reached a door of which the music seemed to be spilling out. Light peeked through the bottom of the door, making it seem all to inviting.

I pressed my ear up to the door. Soft, careful piano notes embraces my ears, a sad yet beautiful voice intoxicating my senses. My heart yearned to hear more. As carefully as I could, I wrapped my fingers around the handle and pushed lightly. The door opened slightly and I peeked in. I covered my mouth in surprise, not wanting to disrupt the song.


I watched in awe as his hands moved masterfully across the keys. I wanted to look away, pretend I wasn't seeing this. I wanted to forget and go back to hating him. But I couldn't tear my eye's away, I couldn't leave without hearing every last note, every last lyric. I wanted to tell myself that it wasn't my fault, that I was right and he was wrong, that I had nothing to apologize for. But nothing could stop the sadness filling my chest, or the guilt pooling in my stomach.

My heart sang with every word. I wanted to smile, cry and dance all at once.

Only the side of Deceit's face was visible, yet it was enough to see how much emotion was poured into every movement.

He finished the song with flourish, the last note hung in the air. Peaceful silence embraced the room.

I watched as Ja-Deceit sighed. 








"Is there something you needed, Roman?"

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