Chapter 44

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Fury came through with the Hellipad with mini jets that can hold hundreds of people. I guide the civilians that were hiding towards them quickly. We were getting higher and higher and soon enough the air will start to get thin and they will freeze to death if they stay any longer.

I had to head to the church because that was were the core is and right now we have to protect it to keep the city from falling and killing billions.

"Where's Ever?" I hear Tony ask.

I see a robot trying to sneak inside but I used my powers to make it float in the air. "Right here." I said making Tony look in my direction. Everyone saw the Legionare floating in the air and I made it crush like they do to old cars that are no longer in use.

"Romanoff. You and Banner better not be playing hide the zucchini." Tony said and I smile at his untimely humor.

"Relax, shell head. Not all of us can fly." She said. A yellow construction truck came in with broken legionare's in the front. Natasha came out of the driver seat and ran up to us. "What's the drill?"

"This is the drill. If Ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose." Tony said. I see Hulk come in as well as he destroy the last few robots that was here.

Ultron floated down in front of us. "Is that the best you can do?" Thor yells. This god just jinxed us. I hope we don't lose now.

Ultron held up a hand and dozens after dozens after dozens of Legionares start piling around the church. Yeah, no I rather surrender than deal with these robots. There's so many! Tony is definitely sleeping on the couch after this battle.

"You had to ask." Steve said as we all stare at the robot army.

"This is the best I can do." Ultron said with his arms out. "This is exactly what I wanted. All of you against all of me. How can you possibly hope to stop me?"

"Well, like the old man said... together." Tony said and him and Steve shared a look between each other.

Hulk roared and all the robots start running inside the church towards us. We all stood in a circle protecting the core.

I used my powers to quickly destroy them. I need to keep moving and to keep them from getting closer to the core if possible. I did a little explosion destroying all the robots inside. It was like a mini reset as more robots start to fill in.

 It was like a mini reset as more robots start to fill in

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I was starting to get tired from all of the robots. I didn't see one about to throw a punch at me but it got shot down. I look over to see that it was Tony who saved me. He was staring at me before he went back to fighting and I did the same.

I used my powers to make white arrows and start shooting them at every robot. When I ran out I just magically tore any robot in pieces and setting them up for my friends to kill. I hear a laser being used and I see Vision using the mind Stone to shoot a laser at Ultron making him fly threw a window and to the ground but Vision didn't stop.

Me, Tony, and Thor used our powers on Ultron making it more difficult to shield himself. My hands started to turn purple and my blast changed from white to purple. We all stop when we saw Ultron's legs giving out. His face was almost burnt off.

Ultron got back up all hunched over. "You know, with the benefit of hindsight..." before he can continue, Hulk came out and upper cutted him making him fly into the sky. He stared at the couple of remaining Legionares and they all scattered away, but Hulk chased after them.

"They'll try to leave the city." Thor said.

"We can't let them, not even one. Rhodey." Tony said.

"I'm on it." He said going to go stop them from leaving.

I look at Tony. "I'm gonna go make sure everyone is off the city." I told him and he nodded at me. Before I left he grabbed my arm.

"Stay safe, okay?" He said and I nodded my head.

Ever |Avengers/ Tony Stark|Where stories live. Discover now