Chapter 10

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Director Fury gave me a call the next day and said I was needed to be in Germany. I didn't question what he was asking me so I made a portal that night and teleported behind the fountain. I turned around the just in time to see Captain America fall down in front of an elder and shield him away from the shot from Loki. The shot bounced off his shield and went straight back to Loki who fell to the ground once it hit his knees.

"You know, the last time I was in Germany, and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing." Steve Rodgers said as he walked closer to him.

"The soldier." Loki said as he got up with the help of his staff. "The man out of time." He mocked.

"I'm not the one who's out of time." Captain said. A jet flew down and a machine gun was being aimed at Loki. "Loki, drop the weapon and stand down." Natasha said over the microphone.

Loki aimed his staff at her and shot but I held my hands out and stopped it mid air wrapping it around white flares. I moved it back towards Loki who fell backwards but he got up quickly to see who else had attacked him. His eyes landed on me and I walked up to join the fight.

"Looks like I made it just in time." I said. Captain looked at me in confusion and Loki just smirks at me. He fired a shot at me and I was unfortunately too slow to stop it so it had knocked me back. Captain America and Loki started to fight while I try and get a good aim to shoot at Loki.

I hear something from the sky and Loki getting shot and knocked backwards from it. Tony landed in front of Captain, cracking the ground where his knee was and held his hand out to ready a shot and pulled out all his rockets aiming them straight at Loki. "Make your moves reindeer games." Tony said.

Loki changed back into his tuxedo putting his hands up but was still holding the staff. Tony dropped his hand and put away his rockets. "Good move." He said then Captain America walked up to him. "Mr.Stark." "Captain." They both greeted each other.

They both stupidly turn around and Loki saw his chance to fire at them but before he could I wrapped a flare around his neck, choking him slightly. My eyes were turning black because I was irritated. I barely did anything while the boys did a lot. They turned around to see what was going on but stopped moving once they saw me and a choking Loki.

"Did you you guys forget to disarm him?" I asked stating the obvious and pointed my head towards the staff that was barely an inch away from him.

Captain came and grabbed the staff while Tony gave me a thumbs up and I rolled my eyes. I used my power to make Loki stand up and dragged him onto the jet where Natasha was.

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