Chapter 18

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I teleported inside of Stark Tower just in time to see one of Tony's suit fly out another window and down the tower. Loki got up from the ground and I took this chance to attack. I wrapped a white flare around his neck before using my power to lift him to the air and slam him back on the ground.

I made him stand again before walking in front of him so he can see me. I kept my hand that had white flares dancing around it up.

Loki saw me in front of him and grew nervous when he noticed my eyes were flicking from pure black to pure white.

I began to close my hand slowly making a fist and Loki started to choke harder, searching for air. My concentration was ruined when I heard someone behind me.  "Eve, sweetie." Tony said getting my attention.

I put my hand down and turn around to see Tony in his Iron Man suit staring at me. "I know your mad right now but I need you to calm down. We still need him." He said.

Tony saw Loki aiming his scepter at Ever and quickly held his hand out and fired a shot knocking Loki back.

I hear this machine turn on from the roof of the tower and Tony was looking up at the sky. I made a portal to look at the sky and I saw a big wormhole in the sky that had a view of space. Once the wormhole got big enough. These creatures started to come out of the wormhole and started to shoot down on everyone in New York.

I made a portal to the ground and stepped through and started to guide people to safety.

After clearing a group of people I was met with Steve, Natasha, and Clint. "You guys okay?" I asked them and they all nodded their heads.

We stop to get a clear view of the of the wormhole just to see a Chitauri Leviathan come through and over our heads. Chitauri soldiers shot off the The body and onto the buildings.

"Stark are you seeing this?" Steve asked as Clint passed me a small mic to put in my ear and I do. "Banner?" Steve asked wondering why he would show.

"Just keep me posted." Tony said. Shots were getting fired close to us so we all took cover under the same taxi car. I look up to see this small ship with good aim and a reindeer for a pilot fly past us.

"We've got civilians still trapped up here." Clint said as he scares the area.

"They're a fish in a barrel down there." Cap said looking over the bridge.

"We got this. It's good. Go. And take Ever with you." Natasha said.

Steve looked at me and I nodded my head to let him know I was ready. He looked at Clint. "Do you think you can hold them off?" He asked Clint.

"Captain. It would be my genuine pleasure." Clint said as he pulls an arrow from his pack and shot it straight into a C-soldier head.

Me and Steve got up and ran. We jumped on top of a bus as we were getting shot at. Steve jumped on a car but the car got shot at and exploded causing it to flip but Steve used the force of the car to jump again and he landed closer to the civilians. I however was thrown sideways instead of forwards when I landed on another car. I made a portal next to Cap and went through landing on my knee before getting up and running again.

We jumped over cars and other things that was on the street getting quicker to the policemen that was huddled together.

We landed on top of a police car. "You need men in these buildings. There are people inside and they're going to be running right into the line of fire." Steve demanded.

"Take them to the basements or through the subway. It is no longer safe to stay out here in the open." I told them their instructions.

"I need a perimeter as far back as 39th." Steve said pointing at the direction. "Why the hell should I take orders from the both of you?" A cop asked.

Shots were fired behind us and Steve and I turned around to see a Taxi car being blown up and flipped over.

C-soldiers landed on the top of the car with us and we got into a hand-to-hand combat. I grabbed an arm and threw myself on him so I was sitting on his shoulder. I wrapped my hands around it's neck before snapping it and I landed on my feet. A C-soldier was about to shoot at me but I quickly held my hands up and shot at him making a hole in his chest.

Steve killed the last C-soldier and we stand their waiting for the cop to do something. They walked away. "I need men in those buildings. Lead the people down and away from the streets. We're going to set up a perimeter ask the way down to 39th street." He told whoever that was on his walkie talkie.

As me and Steve ran back to Natasha and Clint Steve decided it was a perfect time to start a conversation with me. "So what's your story?" He asked.

I looked at him before turning my head back in front keeping my eyes open for anything. "Well, the short version is I fell from the sky as a baby and Fury found me and trainedtty me to be an agent. Didn't anyone tell you about me or gave you my file?" I asked him.

"All I know is that people think your white hair is cool." He said with a smile. I laugh at that before we had reached the others.

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