Chapter 20

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I was thrown across the street by my neck before quickly getting up. I fired a shot at the C-soldier that threw me before running up to another one and snapping their neck I heard something beside me and held my palm open and the monster was choking behind me. I turned around only to see Cap there clawing at his neck. I let go of him and he took a deep breath before letting it all out.

"Sorry." I said and held my hand out for him to take and he took it, getting off of his knee.

We saw Natasha standing there with a C-soldier gun and blood dripping down her forehead.

I ran my hand through my shiny white hair and pulled it to my face to see blood. I sigh and wiped my blood on my suit.

"Captain, none of this is going to mean a damn thing if we don't close that portal." Natasha said.

"Our biggest guns couldn't touch it." He said staring at the portal. "Maybe it's not about guns." I said and Natasha looked at me and Cap like she had an idea.

"If you want to get up there, you're going to need a ride." Cap said.

Natasha threw the gun away. "I got a ride." She said and walked to the other side of the bridge. "I could use a boost though." She asked him.

"Are you sure because I could go up and figure out how to do it?" I suggested.

"Yeah. It's gonna be fun." She said. She started running and leaped up on a car with one foot then jumping on top of Captain America Shield. Steve pushes her up and she grabbed onto a C-soldier ship flying away.

"And then there were two." I said and that made Cap smile. We stared at the approaching C-soldiers. "Let's go kick some ass." He said before we both started running towards them.

Me and Cap were fighting off C-soldier after C-soldier here on the ground. I heard Tony fly to us and landed and started shoot at them helping us on the ground. Tony turned to Cap and shot a laser at his Shield. Cap redirects his shield so the laser can aim at any C-soldier in the way then Tony flew away. I made spikes out of my white flares and it grew from the ground and into the C-soldiers killing them instantly.

Captain left to go save a big group of civilians from some C-soldiers while I hold down the fort here. I had a mini break and I looked up at the tower to see Loki falling down inside it and the last two letters in 'Stark' fall down. "My baby!" I said out loud as I sarcastically cried.

A shot was fired at me but I leaned back so it would miss. I turned my head to see C-soldiers approaching me and I ready my hands for another fight.

Tony fell to the ground beside me after I just finish cutting off a C-soldier's head off. I went over to him and helped him up. I felt multiple shots heading our way so I made a shield around us as a gets himself up. "Is this part of our date?" I asked him as C-soldiers surround us and kept shooting at my shield.

"It is now." He said as he looks around us. "I got a plan but I need you to trust me." He said standing up and looking at me. "You should know by now I trust you with everything in me. What's the plan?" I asked.

"We are going to hold our hands out to each other and shoot. When I say go you're going to bring this shield down okay?" He said as more C-soldiers surround us.

"That is a terrible plan!" I yelled at him. "Won't it make some kind of explosion?" I asked.

"It worked before." He said as he held his hand out towards me and I did the same. "What do you mean it worked before? When was this?" I yelled at him. "No time for that. Drop it now!" He yelled and I dropped the shield. We both shot at each other and this big explosion went off killing all the C-soldiers in 5 mile radius.

Me and Tony got knocked back from each other and fell to the ground. I groan in pain and laid there on the ground trying to ignore it. Tony walked up to me and held out his hand and I took it getting up. Tony looked up into the sky. "I got to go." He said and flew off and away from the battle.

Oh, no. Yeah, I'm fine. It's not like my back is aching and my legs are sore. I scream of terror coming from the distance and I let a exhausted sigh out before running to go help them.

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