Chapter 37

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Captain America runs into the destroyed lab and saw Dr. Cho laying on the ground. "Dr. Cho!" He grabbed a towel and hold it against her bleeding shoulder.

"He's uploading himself into the body." She told him. "Where?" Cap asked her but she just shakes her head.

He was about to leave to go check around, but she gripped tighter on his hand and he turned back around to her. "The real power is inside the Cradle. The gem, its power is uncontainable. You can't just blow it up."

"He killed Ever." She informed him and he froze at the mention of his friend.

"But he did something weird. He brought another cradle in and ripped her heart out. The body inside that looks just like her, but looks so powerful. He put her heart in the body and it started to glow different colors every since. He said that S.H.I.E.L.D. missed another body that crashed in Sokovia the same day she landed here as a baby. Whatever it is, he said it's powerful. You must get the cradles to Stark." She told him.

"First I have to find it." He said before leaving the lab. "You guys copy that?" He asked the two agents in the Quinjets.

"We did." Barton said. "I got a private jet taking off across town. No manifest. That could be him." Natasha said.

Clint looked down at the highway and saw a truck from the lab. "There. It's the truck from the lab. Right above you, Cap. On the loop by the bridge. It's them." He said and scans the inside of the truck. "You got three with the Cradles, one in the cab. I could take out the driver." Clint said.

"Negative. That truck crashes, the gem could level the city and kill Ever completely." Cap said and climbed up the ladder to the highway. "We need to draw out Ultron."

Cap ran from one side of the street to the other before jumping onto the dividers and leaping on top of the truck.

Ultron looked up at the roof of the truck. "No, no, no, no." He faced the doors where Cap was hanging off from. "Leave me alone!" Ultron yells out and blast his lasers at the door.

Cap was knocked back to the side of the truck before the door swung back into place. He tried to look inside but Ultron shot at him again breaking the door off the hinges. Cap flew up into the air before landing onto the broken door.

"Well, he's definitely unhappy. I'm gonna try and keep him that way." Cap said as he gets dragged along with the doors.

"You're not a match for him, Cap." Clint said to him over the comms.

Cap just sarcastically nods his head. "Thanks Barton." He said.

Ultron unplugs the cord from his head and walked to the exit of the truck. He held his fist out and forced Cap off the truck and onto the car behind them.

Cap saw a dumpster truck driving past him and decides to use the side view mirror to swing himself back onto the top of the truck again.

Ultron flew up to meet him. "You know what's in those cradles?" He asked him before firing a shot him. Cap turned around so the lasers would hit the shield that was on his back. "The power to make real change. And that terrifies you." Ultron said trying to intimidate him.

"I wouldn't call it comfort." Cap said and throws his shield at Ultron. Ultron flew back to fire a few shots at him but they all miss. Cap throws his shield at him again and it bounces off Ultron's chest. Cap kicks his shield back at Ultron and it gets stuck in his chest. "Stop it." Ultron says and pushes the shield off his chest and into the street.

Ultron shoots at Cap and he was knocked backwards onto the drivers roof. Cap fell and hung in front the drivers window and saw a robot driving the truck. The robot punched the window in front of him but Cap had already moved out of the way.

The two started to fight on top of the truck while Natasha was on her motorcycle with Cap's shield in her hand driving towards them. Cap ended up behind Ultron and wrapped his arms around his neck. Ultron manages to pull Cap away from his neck and twist his arms. He then put a hand around Cap's neck and made him stand on the edge of the truck.

Natasha drove underneath the truck and on the other side of the truck closer to Cap. She throws his shield at him and Cap catches it in his hands. He hits Ultron's hand with the shield knocking Ultron down.

Ultron saw Natasha and looked ahead of her and held his fist out. A piece of the road came out the ground and hovered there for Natasha to drive into but she hits the brakes before she could crash. Natasha drives up the stairs with pedestrians walking down.

Ultron uses both of his hands to shoot lasers at Cap, knocking him back onto another car behind the truck. Ultron then held his fist out and a piece of the road flew up. The car Cap landed on was rolled over mid air. Cap had to let go of the car. He landed on his shield before getting up and running after the truck.

Another car underbelly was heading towards Cap so he jumps onto it and the car pushes him closer to the truck. He jumps off the car and back on the top of the truck and continues fighting with Ultron.

The Quinjet flew in front of the truck and started firing its gun at Ultron before flying off. Ultron commands the two robots inside the truck to go after the Quinjet.

Cap throws Ultron into a pillar breaking it into pieces but Ultron uses his jets to steady himself. He flies back to him but Cap turns the direction of their bodies into a train that was beside them. The robots that where following Clint were now heading back to the truck.

Natasha makes it to the truck again and hop inside it. She stares at Ever's cradle with a longing look.

The robots makes it to the truck and grabs on to the bottom of the crate. Their face turns into jets and they began to make the crate fly.

The Quinjet is flying after it. "Packages are airborne. I have a clean shot." Clint says.

"Negative. I am still in the truck." Natasha said in the comms.

"The hell are you..." Clint was about to question her but she cut him off. "Just be ready. I'm sending the packages to you." She said.

"How do you want me to take it?" Clint asked her. "Uh, you might wish you hadn't asked that." She said and cut the rope that was connecting Ever's cradle to the truck.

Ever's cradle rolls out the truck and into the Quinjet and Natasha works on getting the other cradle loose.

Ultron got Cap cornered and was beating him up when all of a sudden a silver blur run in the train and into Ultron, knocking him away from Cap. Railings from the train came down in front of Ultron and he turns to see Wanda standing there. "Please don't do this." He begs her.

"What choice do we have?" She said.

Ultron turns back around and fired a shot at the front of the train. Pietro ducks down to avoid it. He flies out the train and back to the truck.

"I lost him." Cap said as he heads to the front of the train. "He's headed your way!" Cap saw the dead conductor laying face down.

"Nat, we gotta go." Clint told her.

Natasha finally cuts the rope connecting the cradle and it starts to roll to the exit. She places a time bomb on the wall and grabs onto the cradle so she can roll out with it.

The cradle lands inside the Quinjet but Ultron made it just in time to grab onto Natasha's foot. Ultron pulls her down and the truck explodes.

Ever |Avengers/ Tony Stark|Where stories live. Discover now