Chapter 66

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"Shit!" I exclaimed out as my powers got out of my control and made something in the lab explode. I hear footsteps coming down to the lab and see Tony making his way towards me.

"What happened?" He asked as he helps me up off the ground and rubs the cut that was suddenly on my cheek. It didn't work.

"I was trying to see if I can access the rest of my abilities without needing the Infinity Stones. But I guess it will stay dormant until I have the stones, or my body is severely wounded." I answered.

"Why do you even try?" Tony asked next.

"Because I have hope. If I stop trying to help, I feel lost. I don't know what to do with myself. I mean being a mother is great, but I can't be a great mother if I can't protect our daughter from danger. I want to be strong so when she does need me, I have the power to be there for her."

Nothing will ever scare me more than losing two of the most important people in my life. "Even if I would someday lose Morgan, or even you. I gotta keep fighting until I know there is no way for me to get you back. But promise me something. If something were to happen to me..."

"Nothing will happen to you Ever. I won't allow it." Tony cut me off.

"But if something does." I continued and rest my forehead against his. "Keep fighting Tony. Fight for yourself, fight for Morgan, but promise you'll keep fighting for me?"

Tony didn't say anything and I was worried he would say no, but he pulled away to kiss me on the lips. It was a lovely kiss that was unfortunately broken already. "I promise." He said and it brings a smile to my face."


"I got a mild inspiration. I'd like to see if it checks out. So, I'd like to run one last sim before we pack it in for the night. This time, in the shape of a Mobius strip, inverted, please." Tony commanded Friday from his workshop table.

A hologram appeared doing exactly what Tony said. "Processing." Friday said.

Tony saw something and reached his hand out to direct it. "Right, give me the rife value of that particle factoring in spectral decomp. That'll take a second."

"Just a moment." Friday said as she repositions everything.

"And don't worry if it doesn't pan out. I'm just kinda..." Tony didn't finish as he watches the model get design.

"Model rendered." Friday said. The structure became successful and Tony fell back in a chair behind him as he looks at the model in shock. He couldn't believe he just found a way to time travel. "Shit!" He said surprised.

"Shit!" Morgan said from behind Tony, sitting on the stairs. She's been watching Tony for awhile and just now revealed herself.

Tony turns around in his chair to face her. "What are you doing up, little miss?" He asked her.

"Shit!" Morgan repeated with a big smile on her face.

"Nope. We don't say that. Only mommy says that word. She coined it. It belongs to her." Tony said.

"Why are you up." Morgan asked him.

"'Cause I've got some important shit going on here! What do you think?" Tony said making Morgan giggle at him for saying the word that she couldn't say. "No, I got something on my mind." Tony finally answered.

"Was it juice pops?" Morgan guessed. She really wanted some and was hoping her dad was in the mood for them. He sometimes wouldn't allow her to eat them at night.

"Sure was." Tony agreed. He looks back at her. "That's extortion. That's a word." He gets up from his chair and picks Morgan up. "What kind you want? And don't tell mommy this, because she wouldn't agree to you eating sweets at night time." Tony said. He wanted to make Morgan believe that Ever was still around even though she is gone. He would never do anything to make Morgan sad so while she's still young, a little white lie won't hurt.

After grabbing them both a juice pop, Tony brought her to bed and tucked her in. He pulled his sleeve up and wipe the left over juice pop on her mouth with it. "That face goes there." He puts his whole palm across Morgan's face and gently pushes it against her pillow.

"Tell me a story." Morgan begged him.

"A story." Tony repeated. "Once upon a time, Maguna went to bed. The end."

"That is a horrible story." Morgan said looking up at her dad.

"Come on, that's your favorite story." He leaned forward and kissed Morgan on her forehead. "Love you tons."

"I love you 3,000." Morgan said to him with a bright smile.

"Wow." Tony said. He loved what she said and it made his heart melt. "Can I tell you a secret?" He asked her and she nodded her head. "Daddy found a way to bring mommy back home with us." He told her.

"Really?!" Morgan asked excited. She has been dying to finally see her mommy again and was only able to see her once before she left for space. "When will she be here?"

"Right after, Daddy and his friends finally defeat the bad guys." Tony answered. He lets out a sigh and then rubs her head. "Good night, Maguna." He told her then closes her bedroom door.

"Keep fighting for me."

Tony heard her voice in his head. He remember the promise he made to her and he knew he had to at least try to see if they were able to go back in time, steal all the Infinity Stones, and snap everyone back to this world.

Ever |Avengers/ Tony Stark|Where stories live. Discover now