Chapter 34

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Clint landed the jet by a secluded house. They walked up to it looking around the area but saw nothing but trees.

"What is this place?" Thor asked. "Safe house." Tony said repeating what Clint told him on the jet.

"Honey." Clint said as he walks inside while carrying Natasha. "I'm home."

A pregnant brunette women came around the corner carrying a few kid drawings in her hand. "Hi." Clint said to her then gave her a kiss. "Company. Sorry, didn't call ahead." He told her.

Tony looked around the house. "This is an agent of some kind." He said.

"Gentlemen, this is Laura." Clint introduces her and she waves at them. "I know all of your names." She said with a chuckle and only Tony waved back.

Footsteps was heard approaching. "Ooh. Incoming." Clint said staring at the doorway. A small girl and a young teenage boy came in the room. "Hi, sweetheart." He said and picked up the girl. "Hey, buddy." He said to the boy and wrapped his arm around his head.

The Avengers looked at them with curiosity. "These are smaller agents." Tony said.

"Did you bring Auntie Nat?" The girl ask her father and he gasp out of fake jealously.

"Why don't you hug her and found out?" Natasha said and the girl ran up to her and they also hug.

"Where's Aunt Ever?" The boy ask his his father and Clint's smile went down a little. "Sorry Bud. She couldn't make it. She's extremely busy fighting off bad guys." Clint told him.

"Sorry for barging in on you." Steve said before Tony cut him off. "Yeah, we would have called ahead, but we were busy having no idea that you existed." Tony said.

"Yeah, well, Fury helped me set this up when I joined. He kept it off S.H.I.E.L.D.'s file's. I'd like to keep it that way." Clint explained. "I figure it's a good place to lay low.

Thor was having flashbacks of his vision and decided to leave the house. Steve followed him out to see where he was going. "Thor?"

"I saw something in that dream. I need answers. I won't find them here." Thor explain. Steve watched Thor swung his hammer before flying up into the sky.

Steve was about to walk back inside before he stopped himself. "We can go home." He heard Peggy say. He changed his mind and turned around to walk the trail.


"See? You worried for nothing." Clint says. Laura lifted his shirt up to check on the wound he gotten from the raid at the Hydra base. "Can't even feel the difference, can you?" He asked and all she did was put his shirt back down.

"If they're sleeping here, some of them are gonna have to double up." She said to him.

Clint starts to laugh at the idea she had. "Yeah, that's not gonna sell." He told her before walking towards the closet.

"What about Nat and Dr. Banner? How long has that been going on?" Laura asked him as she follows him to the closet.

"Has what?" Clint asked her and she only laughs at him. "You are so cute." She laughs out.

"Nat and Banner?" Clint asked her confused at their relationship. "I'll explain when you're older. Hawkeye." Laura joked

"Well, okay." Clint said putting on a button up jacket.

"It's bad, right? Nat seems really shaken. And what really happened to Ever?" She asked him

Clint sighs before he starts to explain everything. "Ultron has these allies. These, uh, kids. They're punks, really. But they carry a big, damn stick. And Nat took a serious hit. When the team first fought Ultron at the farewell after party, Ever was hit with the scepter and is now controlled by Ultron. She's going through the same thing I went through back in 2012. We need to get her back and for someone to teach those kids some manners." He said and walked out the closet.

"And that someone being you." Laura guessed. "You know I totally support your avenging. I couldn't be prouder." She said and Clint sat down in a chair by the window. "But I see those guys... Those gods..." She said but never finished her sentence.

"You don't think they need me." Clint assumes as he puts his shoes on.

"I think they do, which is a lot scarier. They're a mess." She says.

Clint sighs and looks out the window to see Steve and Tony outside about to cut some logs. "Yeah." He agrees. "I guess they're my mess."

"You need to be sure that this team is really a team and that they have your back." Laura said.

Clint got up from his chair and looked down at his pregnant wife. "Things are changing for us. In a few months' time, you and me are gonna be outnumbered. I need..." she said but cut herself off. "Just be sure."

"Yes, ma'am." Clint said before the two kiss.

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