Chapter 40

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I woke up and looked around me as if everything was new. I was in the lab at the Avengers Tower. I used my powers to bring myself back on my feet and onto the floor. Then I imagined myself with my uniform on since I was butt ass naked. Thank good nobody was in here except me.

I walked out the lab and into the lounge where I found everyone was at. They all turned to face me when they heard me come in. I stood still and let them stare at me. Tony was the first to come up to me.

"Who are you guys?" I asked them with a straight face and everyone's face held either shock or sadness at the fact that I had lost my memory. My smile slowly started to break out and I let out a laugh. "Sorry. That was a joke. I wanted to make my big entrance." I told them and they let out a laugh.

Tony pulled me into a really tight hug. "I'm so sorry. It's all my fault." He told me in my ear, but I just smile. "I forgive you." I said to him before we faced the Android in front of us.

"Thor. You helped create this?" Steve asked him.

"I've had a vision. A whirlpool that sucks in all hope of life, and at the center is that." Tour explained.

"What? The gem?" Bruce asked him.

"It's the Mind Stone. It's one of the six Infinity Stones. The greatest power in the universe, unparalleled in its destructive capabilities." Thor said then looked at me. "And she is its keeper. You are the wielder of the six Infinity Stones." He pointed at me.

"Then why would you bring..." "Because Stark is right." Thor cut Steve off. "Oh, it's definitely the end times." Banner commented.

"The Avengers can't defeat Ultron." Thor said. "Not alone." Vision said.

"Why does your Vision sounds like Jarvis?" Steve ask. "We reconfigured Jarvis's matrix to recreate something new." Tony said and we walked around Vision as he went to the table where Thor's hammer sat.

"I think I've had my fill of new." Steve said.

"You think I'm a child of Ultron." Vision assumes. "You're not?" Steve asked him. "I'm not Ultron. I'm not Jarvis. I am..." He stopped talking trying to figure out what he is.

"I looked inside your head and saw annihilation." Wanda said walking closer to him. "Look again." Vision told her and this made Clint scoff.

"Her seal approval means jack to me." Clint said as he walks closer to the group.

"Their power, the horrors in our heads, Ultron himself, they all came from the Mind Stone. And they're nothing compared to what it can unleash. But with it on our side..." Thor said.

"Is it?" Steve cut him off before looking at the android. "Are you? On our side?" He asked.

"I don't think it's that simple." It answered.

"Well, it better get real simple real soon." Clint said. I mean, I'm confused on why this android is here, but if it was against us, it would have attacked us by now.

"I am on the side of life. Ultron isnt. He will end it all." It said.

"What's he waiting for?" Tony asked.


Like I'm actually gonna let a robot try and kill my boyfriend. I wrap an arm around Tony to let him know I'm here for him now since he is being specifically targeted by a robot.

"Where is he hiding?" I asked it.

"In Sokovia. He's got Nat there, too?" Clint answered.

Wait a minute. "Nat got kidnapped? What the hell happened while I was dead?" I asked rhetorically.

Bruce started to walk up to the android to some how intimate it. "If we're wrong about you, if you're the monster that Ultron made you to be..."

"What will you do?" It asked Bruce before looking at all of us. "I don't want to kill Ultron." It says as he moves away from Bruce. "He's unique and he's in pain. But that pain will roll over the Earth. So, he must be destroyed." At least what he is saying answers Steve's question. "Every form he's built, every trace of his presence on the net." He stands in front of the table that had Thor's hammer on top. "We have to act now. And not one of us can do it without the others. Maybe I am a monster." He looks down at his hands. "I don't think I'd know if I were one. I'm not sure what you are, and not what you intended. So, there may be no way to make you trust me." He picks Thor hammer up and held it up to said man. "But we need to go."

My mouth dropped as I look at the hand he was using to hold the hammer. He is worthy!!! I wonder if I'm worthy too. I mean I am in my own body now, and I am also the keeper of the infinity stones. I walk over to Thor as he is still processing what has just happened.

"You mind if I try?" I asked him. Thor hesitated but he held the handle out to me and I grabbed it. He let go and I was able to hold the hammer with little to no effort. Holy shit I'm worthy as well!

"So does this mean I get to rule Asgard instead of Tony?" I asked him making a few laugh or smile at me. I turn around to face Tony. "You do know I'll be rubbing this in your face every chance I get. Say goodbye to your Prima Nocta." I told him making him role his eyes.

"Three minutes." Steve said pulling us back to reality. "Get what you need."

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