Chapter 36

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"Cellular cohesion will take a few hours, but we can initiate the consciousness stream." Helen Cho said and connects a big wire to the back of Ultron's head. "We're uploading your cerebral matrix" She presses a few buttons, "now."

"I can read him." Wanna says as she stares into the cradle. "He's dreaming." She said.

"I wouldn't call it dreams. It's Ultron's base consciousness. Informational noise. Soon..." Helen said to her before getting cut off.

"How soon? I'm not being pushy." Ultron's asked. Wanda was in front of the cradle and was about to put her hands on it. "We're imprinting a physical brain. There are no shortcuts. Even if your magic gem..."

Wanda closed her eyes as she reads the mind in the cradle. She got a vision of something being shot down at the Earth creating a big explosion. Wanda screams out in agony and Pietro came to her side to check if she's alright.

Wanda finally got herself together and looked at Ultron. "How could you?" She asks him.

"How could I what?" Ultron ask with little care in his voice.

"You said we would destroy the Avengers, make a better world." Wanda said.

"It will be better." Ultron cut her off. "When everyone is dead?" Wanda ask shock. "That is not..." Ultron tells out but he calms himself down. "The human race will have every opportunity to improve." He explained to the twins.

"And if they don't?" Pietro asked. "Ask Noah." Ultron said.

"Your a madman." Wanda stated.

"There were more than a dozen extinction-level events before even the dinosaurs got theirs. When the earth starts to settle, God throws a stone at it. And believe me, he's winding up. We have to evolve. There's no room for the weak." Ultron said.

Wanda secretly uses her powers to break Helen Cho's spell. "And who decides who's weak?" Pietro asks.

"Life." Ultron laughs at the idea. "Life always decides." Ultron looked up as if he's getting information. "There's incoming. The Quinjet. We have to move." Ultron says. Wanda quietly used her magic to reverse the magic that is controlling Helen without Ultron finding out.

"That's not a problem." Helen said and walked up to the cradle. She pressed a button and paused the upload. Ultron sighs in annoyance and shoot his laser's at Helen. The twins took that moment to quickly escape.

"Guys, wait. Wait, guys!" Ultron yells out to them. He commands the robots to shoot at the staff. "They'll understand. When they see, they'll understand. I just need a little more time." Ultron talked to himself and yanks the cord from the back of his head.

The robots roll both cradles out of the lab and onto a truck.

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