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Louis POV.

I woke up this morning, not waking up next to Harry. Of course because we can't sleep in the same bed. Harry's idea obviously.

I sit up, dangling my short legs to the side of the bed. I've been staying in a different room for a whole year now today. I've learned to "act straight" as Harry's "roommate." His friends can't know who i truly am to Harry. I don't even know what I am to him either.

I place my small exposed feet onto the cold wooden floor, a shiver irrupting my body. I was wearing some boxers with grey sweats over them and no shirt.

I'm so hungry. But I know the moment I see Harry I will lose my apatite.

I rub my eyes and and head to the kitchen/living room. Grabbing a oversized jacket that was placed on the chair. Knowing it must be Harry's due to it smelling just like him. I heard him get up this morning. Crying about something, I don't even bother to ask anymore.

I throw on the jacket and zip it up. Going to make myself my favorite Yorkshire tea in the kitchen. Pouring the hot water into my special blue mug. Before I can grab my teabag from the box a hand grabs my thin arm. Turning me around.

"Take this off" he hiss's. Pulling off my jacket exposing my bare chest.

"Wha- why?" I ask as he rips off the jacket. Throwing it to the floor and taking in our position.

"God Lou go put a shirt on" He says bitterly. Pushing me toward the room. My eyes widen at him as our eyes connect. Tears filling them. Threatening to pour out of my eyes. It was just a jacket...But I listen and look down. Running my hands threw my feathery hair.


"Forget it Harry" I snap. He was going to say something else that would break my heart more. Why would I let him?

I walk swiftly to my room and slam the door shut. Shaking the whole flat. I could hear as sobs threaten to come up my throat. I'm so exhausted.

I throw on a oversized hoody. Making sure now you can't see my fit figure. I put up the hood. Having it cast a shadow on my face.

I go back into the living room, heading down and hands still in pockets. And see Harry sitting at the island, sitting on a high chair with his head in his hands.

I swiftly walk over to my mug and grab the tea bag. Putting it into the now warm water. I grab some honey and add a little to the cup too. I mix it around with a spoon and after I'm done I throw the spoon into the sink. Indicating I was upset. I could feel green eyes staring holes into the back of me. But I don't care. He was embarrassed and disgusted of me.

"Lou you could wear a t shirt too you know" he finally says. Not causing me to turn around. I cant be weak and let him control me like this.

"Hm" I hum. Taking a sip of the warm liquid and swallowing it along with the lump in my throat.

"I like admiring you"

"Sure Harry" I grumble. Heading back towards my bedroom before the same hand as earlier grabs mine.

"Lou please.." I turn around slowly to see puffy eyed Harry. His emerald green eyes teary and red. Guilt rushes threw me like lightning. I didn't even think for a second how Harry would be feeling having to hide us too. We didn't need to hide though. We could come out and sure, he would lose some friends. But who matters more to him?

"Please talk to me" He chokes. Isn't he exhausted too? Why does he even try.

"I've got to go to work, we can talk later if that's not to embarrassing for you" I snap ripping my hand out of his before storming off to my room. Hearing him sign . Preparing to slam my door when I get there.

"Lou that isn't fai-"


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