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"I'm so sorry..." i sob. Collapsing into his chest. He holds me tight. Kissing the top of my head. Not saying a word and letting me have a moment to let it all go.

We sit in silence. I take a deep breath. Knowing the consequences for what I'm about to do.

"I love him Zayn." I say clearly. My face expressionless. I had to be numb to let this all out.

I sit up and face Zayn. My head bowed down in shame.

"You... what?" Zayn whispers. I cant see his face but i could probably guess he's in shock. Maybe he's disgusted too..

"I love Harry" i whisper back. My head still bowed and my heart pounding to the point I thought it would be visible through my chest.

"Like, you're....in love with him?" Zayn breathes. Probably not sure what to say. I simply nod. Not making eye contact with Zayn whatsoever.

"Your...gay?" Zayn questions softly. I'm not sure where this is going..

I simply nod again. Tear welling up in my eyes. Threatening to fall.

"Wow.." Zayn breathes. I look up at him finally seeing shock on his face. His eyes wide open.

"I know you probably hate me, and I totally understand and I'll pack-" i begin before a pair of strong arms wrap around my neck. Pulling me close as I freeze. And wrap my smaller arms around his toned waist.

I just came out to Zayn. And he's, hugging me?

"I'll always support you Louis" he says. Giving me a reassuring squeeze.

After a couple of minutes like that and the crying has died down. I finally sit up and face Zayn. My eyes have finally stopped releasing tears and i honestly couldn't believe this was Zayn's reaction.

"There was no girlfriend was there.." Zayn chuckles and so do I. He gives a sweet smile and i melt at his face. Why was he so amazing? And this is Zayn Malik we are talking about.

"No there wasnt.. I'm sorry" I look down. Zayn sweetly grabbing my hand and holding it in his. His thumb rubbing the back of my hand soothing me.

"Why didn't you tell me before Louis?" Zayn softly asks. His other hand lifting my chin as I make eye contact with him once again. His hand moving to the side of my face caressing my cheek.

"I thought- I was scared. I didnt know what you would say or do, I thought you would hate me." I state. Not breaking the eye contact between us. Zayn sighs and gives me a sad smile.

"I could never hate you Louis." Zayn states. His eyes now welling up with tears. The sight making me eyes watery too.

"I know I've said things that would make u believe I wouldn't support you. But I promise it wasn't the truth. I just needed to fit in." Zayn continues. It seems like everyone has the same excuse around here. I place my free hand on his caressing my cheek. As I melt into the gesture. I give Zayn a sad smile.

"Trust me I can relate. All I've been doing is trying to fit in here, and look where it's gotten me" I sigh. I almost feel relieved. I had finally let out a big piece of my life, i wasn't fighting this battle alone anymore. And Zayn's reaction was so perfect, how could I be upset?

"It makes me so happy that you trusted me with this Louis. More than you know." Zayn smiles wide, his eyes still tearing at the sweet moment. A tear falls down my cheek. I was so lucky to be here with him right now.

"Now on to the Harry thing.." Zayn sighs. I remove my hand from his on my cheek. Not wanting to address this part. His eyebrows furrow as i look down.

"Yeah about that-"

"I've known forever Louis." Zayn's states. I sharply look up. A confused look on my face and a knowing look on his.

"Yeah right Zayn." I scoff. Not believing a word he said. He removed his hand from my cheek as I crossed my arms. Our other hands still together and our fingers still intertwined.

"Louis you should never pursue an acting career. You sucked at keeping your feelings a secret." Zayn chuckles. I chuckle too. He's right.

"What made it so obvious?" I question. I personally thought I did great at keeping my feelings to myself. Harry too, we did everything in our power to make sure no one suspected anything. I guess even our greatest efforts weren't enough. And I went through all the pain for really nothing..

"It was the way you looked at him Louis, it's like your eyes lit up when he walked in a room or whenever he was talking. But you never really spoke to him. He looked at you to same way Louis. But whenever you two got too close or made eye contact, u both looked away or walked away. It was almost tense?" Zayn stated. I never knew he noticed these things. No way we were that obvious?

"Zayn i know he didn't look at me the same. Have u seen Harry? He's as straight as it gets." I state. Lying through my teeth. As much as I trusted Zayn more than anyone right now. I would never out Harry.

"I saw it with my very eyes Louis. It was like he longed for you, and you longed for him. I don't care how many girls Harry flirts with or how much he try's to act composed around you. I could see it in his eyes that you were who he wanted."

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