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Louis' POV

When I woke the next morning I swore something was wrong.

or right?

I had some warmth I haven't felt in almost 2 years. A certain warmth that I'd been craving since moving here.

But that feeling, the one I was feeling right now, almost didn't seem right. But unlike how I felt earlier. It wasn't wrong either. It felt good, fresh, and the new cologne and decorative tattoos really topped it off.

I was now sitting on the counter drinking some of my famous Yorkshire tea waiting for Zayn to get ready. Now I see why he always runs late to the group gatherings.

"Hurry it up Zayn we're 10 minutes late!" I yell making Zayn sprint into the room pulling his basic black t-shirt over his head. Revealing all his stomach tattoos that one I notice being someone's eyes. I was almost in shock because for so long I've never laid my eyes upon any other man then Harry. And although Harry had a good amount of tattoos, seeing it on someone's body looking as good as Zayn's- I mean. What?!

"I'm ready I'm ready!" He gasps grabbing his keys and my non taken hand while my other hand was occupied by my tea (that I quickly set down) and we rushed out of the door. Me swiftly closing it behind me. His firm grip still on my hand pulling us down the hallway with ease until we reached the elevator.

He dragged me in and when the doors closed our hands stayed intertwined. He clicked the first floor button as my cheeks tinted red with him still holding my hand. It's been so long since someone has done this especially publicly.

Once we arrive on the first floor the doors open ever so slowly, revealing the lobby of the modern designed building.

Our hands still intertwined, he pulled me out of the front doors and we ran across the street, straight into a coffee shop. Once we are in he stops abruptly. Sending my upper body flying forward and my one available hand grabbing my knee. Catching my breath before Zayn lets out a loud laugh making all the occupants of the cafe look up at us from their quiet, honest conversations.

I immediately slap my hand over Zayns mouth as I giggle to myself. Taking a look around the place. Again, stopping once I lock eyes on green ones. Sending that odd familiar feeling in my stomach to irruption again. But worse. I'm now holding Zayns hand and staring into, I think, my boyfriends eyes who look so tired. So worn out. And I immediately stop smiling. I lighten my grip on zayns hands but that only makes him hold on tighter, pulling me towards Harry and the others.

"Just ignore him right now okay, I'll stay with you." He whispers close to my ear. His minty warm breath lingering on my neck as he pulls away smiling.

Harry then scowls, noticing our hands. He turns to Gigi behind the counter and orders another expresso. Glaring back at us as we approached them.

"LOU LOU!" Calum yells walking over to us before engulfing me into a bear hug. Zayn and I's hands disconnecting as I'm launched into the air by exhilarated Calum. Swinging me side to side before placing my unstable feet back to the hardwood floor.

As soon as my feet hit the floor, Harry pushes between me and Calum, causing us to separate. Calum gives a confused look and looks back at Harry as the tall man retreats back to his seat.

I shrug my shoulders and join everyone else in their conversations.


2 months later, i noticed Harry seems different. At least before he was nice to me, now all he does is glare and make snarky remarks. Yes, I'm still at Zayn's. And honestly, I've never been happier. Zayn is extremely caring and we get along well. Ive never seen this side of him before. But I'm enjoying it.


The next day, Harry came to pick me and Zayn up. I told zayn that me and Harry have gotten over what happened with my "girlfriend" and that it's in the past. Zayn was happy to hear it since the dynamic of the group has been off since I left Harry's sad apartment.

While in the car with the both of them, deafening silence took up the whole ride. We were headed to a concert and i guess Zayn needed to take a quick stop to find some alcohol. He claimed it was a "necessity."

We stop at a local liquor store and Zayn jumps out. Walking up to the small shop while me and Harry are left alone. It was so tense I was afraid to even breathe. I was in the back middle seat while Harry was in the drivers seat. I was scrolling uneventfully on my Homepage over and over. Harry was just sitting in silence. Well both of us were. We were just waiting for the other to man up and say something.

And of course, it had to be me.

"So, how have u uh been?" I say, breaking the tense silence. I hear harry sigh and adjust in his seat. Not saying a word.

"Oooookay. I guess this is how it is" I sigh, going back to my phone.

"It's like this because it has to be Louis." Harry speaks. His words feeling like poison to my heart.

"Actually it doesn't" i remark back. Giving obvious slight attitude. Typing obnoxiously.

"Yes it does." Harry snaps back. Why does he hate me? Sorry I left you, not like you cared.

"Okay Harry whatever, u can hate me forever for all I care, I did what's best for us." I snap back, not even bothering to put down my phone.

Right then Harry turns around in his seat. I swore my heart was beating unhealthy fast due to his cold stare. A frown appearing his face before speaking again.

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