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Well honestlyI could have said worse. Right?

Zayn looked at me with his eyes wide. His mouth hanging open slightly. I looked down At my feet and took my face in my hands. Letting out a quiet sob.

"Oh hell fucking no" Zayn snapped. About to stand up but i hold him down.

"Zayn it's not worth it." I beg. His face softens as he sits again.

"your staying at my place from now on, yeah?" He tells me. I realize what i've done and look up at him in surprise.

"Wait really?" I say. No way?

"You don't have a choice, pack your things. I don't need you around him any longer" He says.

My eyes widen more as I nod my head and Stand up. A small thank you as I head to my room to collect my things.

"Aye lou, i'll be right back i'm gonna set up a room for you. Call me if anything happens. Be back in a minute." He comes over to me giving me a hug.

"It's gonna be okay mate." He says into our hug. Heading to the door closing it behind him.

Once the loud front door closes Harry's door swings open. Revealing angry, yet saddened Harry.

I just stand there, completely frozen in my spot in the living room. I looked at him in guilt knowing what i've caused.


"Are you serious?" He says sternly. Walking towards me. His voice firm yet broken.

"What did you want me to do! Be honest?!" I sternly say back. He had a right to be upset. But he would probably of killed me if I outed us.

"No louis but do you realize what you've done?!" He angrily questions, his eyes squinting in frustration.

"Okay i'm sorry! I was put on the spot and that's all that would have worked. This is for the better anyways. I get to leave and you can finally breathe once i'm gone. You won't have to hide me ever again!" I yell.

"Lou. Please, we aren't done and nothing about this is better!" He yells back. Obviously hurt by my words.

"Harry i cant do this." I say. Sitting down on the couch again. Sinking Into the soft fabric. I put my head in my hands. Taking long breaths into them. I then felt the couch sink next to me. A strong arm draping over my small shoulders. Giving them a hesitant, but soft squeeze. I so badly wanted to lean into him but I knew i couldn't.

"Lou, let me comfort you...it's what I should have been doing all along..." he says trying to pull me into him. At first I was hesitant. His touch felt so familiar yet so foreign.

I finally let myself collapse into his strong, firm chest. Tears releasing themselves the contact. He deeply sighed before I felt a tear hit the top of my head. Knowing it was his, it almost made me smile. Knowing he cared in the smallest bit felt like the most to me. I felt as his free hand cradled my head. Running his large hands threw my feathery hair.

"We'll be alright"

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