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Louis POV

As his lips move against mine and mine against his, I realize what I'm doing. I Immediately try to pull back but his hands are on either side of my head. Gripping my hair so I couldn't leave. I connect my lips with his again. Missing this feeling, love? Lust? I really don't know.

All I do know is that moment didn't last long.

The doorbell to our flat goes off 3 times. Harry immediately pulls back. Looking at my face. Guilt filling his as the pain returns to me once again.

I go to open the door and tell Harry to go to his room. He does so and closes the door. Leaving a tiny crack so he could hear what was going on.

I head to the door peaking through the peephole to see he who it could be. Zayn Malik. My eyes widen and my heart drops to my feet. I see Harry open the door slightly more but I put my hand up in protest.

I unlock the door and open it up. Not realizing my current state.

"Hey Lou- what's wrong?" He asks coming in. I didnt  think fast enough to clean up the completely shattered bottle of liquor on the floor. He looked at the mess then back at me. Wide eyes and placing his tattooed hand on my shoulder.

I bow my head in shame.

"Lou..... want to go sit down for a sec?" He asks leading me to the couch. I loved how he cared for me. But I knew deep down the moment he found out my big secret he will let all hell loose on me. But I enjoyed his kindness while it lasted.

We sit down on the couch. Him taking my hands in his. Which usually he isn't so touchy, It shocks me as maybe Harry was just paranoid about everything this whole time.

He's facing me now as complete concern and nervousness shows in his expression. I still look down at our hands. Not making it obvious I'm kinda surprised.

"Lou....what happened?" Zayn asks. Rubbing his thumb across my small hands back and forth. Actually calming me down even though it was ZAYN FUCKING MALIK sitting infront of me.

Think Louis. Harry wouldn't mind you saying anything but the truth.

"My- uh girlfriend cheated on me" I stutter. Still bowing my head. For fucks sake Louis THATS what u came up with. Harry slams his door just then. And both Zayn and I's heads turn to the sound. I roll my eyes as Zayn looks back at me with suspicion and worry.

"Louis oh my god...you know who it's with?" He asks moving his face down to mine trying to get some eye contact.

"That's the thing Zayn um." I struggle again. I felt his hands hold mine a little tighter. He seemed upset I was heartbroken. Which honestly warms my heart.

"Who?" He questions. I lift my head. Showing my tear stained face and red puffy eyes. He catches my gaze and I can see in his eyes his concern for me just grew more and more in anticipation.

"It was Harry"

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