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The clock turns8 and honestly I couldn't wait to get wasted and just go crazy. Harry knows what he's doing to me. I guess his fear is stronger than his love.

I walk home and as I open the door to our flat I hear someone strumming the strings on a guitar. I put my bag down and take off my coat. Hanging it up next to Harry's. I head to my room. Knowing he wouldn't want to be bothered. I almost make it to my door before I hear him speak up.

"Louis?" He questions.

"Here" I speak up. Opening my door slowly hearing someone come up to me.

"Louis! No hello?" He asks coming behind me as I fully open the door and start to head in. He reeks of alcohol already, knowing this i'm even more ready for tonight.

"Hello Harry" I say flatly. Not even looking at his face. I walk in removing my shoes and shutting all of the blinds in my room.

"What happened to us?" He asks still standing at my door . His eyes glossed over. His voice is weak and whiney.

"I don't know Harry I ask myself the same thing everyday." I let out. I try to walk out of my room before I'm stopped by Him again.

"Stop it Harry" I say firmly trying to push him out of the way. His bigger and broader body making it near impossible.

"Not until we figure this out" he says. His breath stenches with cheap vodka

"Harry move right now" I say firmly again. Pushing harder.




"Yes Harry move!"


"GOD DAMMIT HARRY MOVE" I yell. My face hot with anger.

I saw as his eyes widened and I pushed him out of the way finally. Pushing through and heading to the kitchen to pour myself the same cheap liquor.

"it doesn't have to be like this louis!" He yells walking towards the kitchen.

"Trust me harry i know! i've been saying this from the beginning but your the one who told us we had to hide, your the one who told us we basically couldn't be together so what's the point? might as well break up now there won't even be a difference!" I yell. choking on my words.

I chug the glass and pour another one. Harry starting to walk towards the kitchen to me.

"Louis.... stop" he says, walking towards me.

I down another one. Heading for the whole bottle before Harry finally pounces and grabs me around the waist.

"Louis please!" Harry begs.

I push him once again and take the bottle, Harry ripping it from my hands but instead it smashes to the floor.

Me and Harry ending up on the floor. Staring at each other, one in desperation and one in complete fury.

"I can't do this anymore Harry...." I finally say. His eyes widening and his breath hitching.

"No louis..." he breaks.

"Harry, we can't love each other anymore. Neither of us want of need this. " I finally say. A single tear exits my eye.

"No Louis I need you please. I will tell them one day i promise. " he says moving forward to me. I put up my hand in protest.

"Harry i'm done hurting because of something that isn't even there anymore " I get up and grab my shoes. Slipping them on and grabbing my coat and bag.

Harry gets up after me. Ripping all of my stuff out of my hands. He cups my cheeks and our lips collide. The kiss full of passion and lust. He turns his head to deepen the kiss. And our lips move together in harmony. The pain seeping out of my body with every second that passes.

Maybe I could hurt a little longer.

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