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Louis POV

Once at work, I get text after text from Harry. I've been avoiding him all day since this morning. I don't have time for a fake relationship. This is much more painful then breaking up. You wake up everyday to the same thing. Pretend, hide, pretend.

I work in a small coffee shop down the road from our flat. Harry and his friends always come here. I never like them to, because then I have to act like a normal straight guy who loves woman. When in reality, I'm in love with a man. Who I think loves me back. But I can't remember the last time he told me so.

Harry and his friends Michael, Zayn, Liam, and Calum come into the shop. Speaking of the devils.

Luckily I was in the back when they came in. My friend Gigi was working the front.

"Guessing you bastards want your usuals?" Gigi asks in a sassy tone. Causing me and my other friend Kendall to giggle in the back.Gigi is very pretty and just so happens to be Zayn's girlfriend. Her hair is always effortlessly perfect and her skin is perfectly clear. She is pretty tall and had the PERFECT body. Perfect perfect perfect.

"yo babe and yeah that would be great, is Louis working today?" Zayn asks. Tossing his credit card to Gigi as she rolls her eyes and swipes it.

"Yeah he's in the back" she says non shalantly. Giving Zayn his card back and giving a sweet smile.

"Can you get em for us? We wanna say hi" He winks before he walks away.

Gigi chuckles to herself and walks to the back where me and Kendall are. We immediately get back to work and act cool.

Gigi rolls her eyes and taps me on the shoulder as I try to hold in a round of laughter.

"Well loueh your friends want you." That's all it took for me and Kendall to let out our held back rounds of laughter. I haven't laughed in a while. I must say it felt amazing.

"YO LOUIS HURRY UP" I hear Zayn yell. I immediately get up and wipe my tears away before taking a deep breath. We all stare at each other and Gigi nods. Signaling she will cover for me. I give her a hug and take off my apron and walk to the front. I hear everyone applaud as I walk up to them. Taking some joking bows.

"Hey Louis! Wanna hang with us today?! Or are you to busy with work?" Liam asks putting an arm around my shoulder. I could see Harry in our little circle tense up to Liams actions. Harry is the jealous type. And I'm happy about it.

"Got work lads, maybe at 8 we could hit the bar?" I question. Seeing all their pathetic faces light up. I just didn't want to deal with them.

"Cool we will meet you there then." Zayn says as laughs and grabs Calum, dragging him out of the doors of the coffee shop. Liam following after them dragging Michael with him also laughing. Running after Zayn and yelling at him to slow down. I'm laughing now too. I love them but, well. Yeah.

That leaves me and Harry. He just stands there. A big smile on his face as he watches me laugh at his stupid friends.

"I haven't seen you laugh in so long" he says. Smiling at me. My laugh finally fades and only a smile lingers on my face.

"Yeah well it's hard now a days" I say running my clammy fingers threw my fringe. His beautiful smile fades to a frown at my words.

All I see is hurt. I don't take back my words no, i just wish it wasn't this way.

"See ya later Harry" I put my hand on his shoulder before giving a slight smile and walking off. Heading to the back again.

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