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Louis pov.

I took one last look at my stone cold room. Now empty and dusty. Just my same old bed sitting in the middle. I couldn't help but be excited to leave. All this flat did for me was cause complete agony.

"Happy to leave?" Harry remarks before letting out a dry chuckle. He ran his fingers threw his greasy messy hair and kept his head down.

"You should be the happy one, you can have the game room you always wanted now" we both chuckle tensely once again before I turn to him. Suitcase in hand. Looking at the man I love, or loved.

"I could of had both" he sighed. Finally tilting his head upwards to me. Tears threatening to leave his eyes.

"Dont cry Harry" I hush. Hesitantly lifting my hands to his face But moving them back down. I hear a rough sigh come out of his mouth as he sniffles.

"It shouldn't be like this" he whispers. I turn to pick my suitcase up again but before i can a cold hand turns my chin to face him. He gives me a soft smile before slowly and gently placing his lips on mine.

My heart flutters with pure joy as his lips move against mine if perfect harmony.

After a couple seconds, I pull my soft lips off of his slowly, our lips still touching but space has grown between us.

"Harry I-" I try to continue, but he stops me before i do.

"Just let me enjoy this before it's all gone" he sighs. Leaning his forehead into mine as he just stand their peacefully for a couple moments as we look into each other's eyes.

He gently holds my wrist again, leading me into the living room to take a seat on the couch. That's when I realized how our flat really was dark and gloomy.  It held no love nor light. Just bland nothings on the walls and floors. Nothing here felt like home.

As we both sit on the couch, an awkward silence forms between us. I hate that it had to end this way.

"Lou I wish I could put into words how so-"

Right then a firm knock is heard at the door.

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