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Louis' POV.
Both of our heads snap towards the door, then slowly back at each other.

My heart sunk as I saw the state of Harry, It seems like the man I fell in love with has been slowly falling apart. And this might be his final break.


I Lifted myself off the couch and heading to the door, I didn't even get there though before I heard Harry's feet come behind me. I turn around to see Harry walking to me and gently placing his hands on my cheeks.

"One last time" he whispers. I give him a sad smile and place my hands on his cheeks too. Gently placing my thumbs under his eyes , wiping away the tears streaming down them.

"One last time.." I hush. He returns the sad smile and our lips connect again. Sparks come back to me, his lips remind me of home, they are warm and welcoming. But I couldn't help the aching in my stomach of it all. I'll be leaving him. But I will be happier. I will.

Our sorrowful kiss only lasts seconds before there's another knock at the door. We pulled apart and I am looking into those big green eyes one last time before leaving a soft kiss on his forehead.

I step back, admiring him once more before turning around completely and grabbing my suitcase. I walk to the door but before answering I turn back to see Harry gone from his spot in the living room. His bedroom door slams shut and I can't help but feel my heart tearing over again.

I swing open the door to see sympathetic Zayn standing there. He takes one look at me and gives me a sad smile. He reaches his hand out for me to grab and I take it. Turning back one last time before walking forward into his open arms. The tears finally spilling out of my eyes. I didn't want to cry to hard though. He holds me tightly and I felt so at ease now. Like he was the only thing I needed right then. He has his tattooed arm securely around my back and his other hand on the back of my head, gently playing with my hair while I was attached to his firm waist. I missed being hugged like this, it's been a while.

The door behind me slams shut and I take a look back. It wasn't Zayn who closed the door, it was Harry.

Zayn looks down at me before placing a soft kiss to the top of my head. Just as I did to Harry seconds before. I couldn't help the blush on my cheeks, Not only is Zayn not ugly, but I was in pure shock from his small gesture.

"Let's get out of here shall we?"

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