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With all of my bags packed, I made me way towards the  front door. Taking one last look at for right now, my favorite place in the world.

Zayn walked up to me. A sad smile displayed on his face. Me returning it. Opening my arms for one last hug. He immediately rushes to my arms, wrapping his arms around my waist and mine around his neck. Engulfing me in the safest sweetest hug ever. I'll miss these.

"Do me a favor Lou" Zayn starts. Removing his chin from my shoulder and now looking straight into my eyes.

"Of course Zayn."  I continue. One last favor for him.

"Go visit him." My eyes widened. I had almost forgotten about Harry. And i wasn't ready to face him now, not ever.


"Please Louis, you need closure. Then u can leave and never look back." He gives me a hopeful look. Convincing me.

"Fine. But don't expect me to be happy while doing it." I pout. Not happy about this at all. My heart beating faster at the thought of the curly haired boy. I haven't spoken to him in so long.

"Thank you, I love you lou." Zayn gives me one last hug.

"I love you too Zayn, I'll text every day." Grabbing all my bags i wave and walk out. The door closing behind me. And finally, it all became real.


Harry's apartment. I couldn't move. I had placed all my bags in the car so this trip would be quick and easy. Get closure then leave. No matter what happens.

I lift my hand to knock cautiously, procrastinating. I could hear his loud tv playing through the walls. Could I do this?




I knock. Hearing the tv briefly pause. I hear slow  footsteps heading towards the door. With every step my heart pounds a beat faster.

Before I know it, the door swings open. My breath hitching. His hair is messy, his eye bags deep. His lips in a permanent frown and his eyes red.

He looked.. horrible?

His eyebrows furrow as his eyes widen in shock. I stayed silent, not even knowing where to start.

"L-Louis?" He stutters in disbelief. Tear forming in both of our eyes

"Hi Harry..." I breathe out. I couldn't believe I was really standing here. I shouldn't even be here!

"I wanted to uh.... Well.... I don't know..I-"

"Talk..?" Harry finishes for me. I nod my head avoiding too much eye contact. He pushes the door open a little more, moving his body to the side to let me through. His head was bowed in almost, shame?

"Excuse the mess..." he sighs. I step in. My mouth opening in awe of the place. Quite literally nothing has changed. It's still dark and sad. There are still pictures up of me and him. But the one part that isn't the same is the unlimited amounts of alcohol bottles all over the place. All mostly empty.

"What's all this...." I trail off. Still in disbelief. Not understanding that this is what he had turned to for help.

"Things have been...hard." His voice sounds weak and vulnerable. I sigh, giving a soft nod. This wasn't what I was expecting.

"Can I sit?" I sat as I motion towards the couch. He nods and i move a couple of bottles over to make room. He follows me placing himself on the total other side of the couch. No where near me.

"So Um, i don't really know where to start-"

"Did you mean all of those things you said in the car?" Harry questioned, interrupting me. I didn't mind though. Because this is closure for him too.

"Um well, some yes. I didn't mean to say it in the way I did. I was angry. About everything and I think now I'm ready to finally have an honest tamed talk about everything." I say trying to avoid eye contact but i could feel his piercing gaze on my skin.

"What parts did you mean..." he questions. I guess he's been thinking about the whole car situation for a while now too.

"I- well um. I was honest when I said you made me hate myself. It's true, that's all you've made me feel from the moment we got here. I wasn't allowed to be me Harry." That was not even a little of what I had felt. But I had to spare him for a little while.

"And...." He egs me on, sighing.

"And..our love was painful. I think even you know that. And for a while I felt like you weren't even my boyfriend. I didn't feel real. I c-couldn't do it anymore." A tear finally falls from my eyes. I quickly wipe it anyway. Knowing I was done crying over Harry.

At this very moment, I finally realize this isn't going to be easy nor quick. But I was ready.

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