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Silence fills the room. Tears wont stop escaping my eyes as I frustratingly wipe them away. Why wont I stop?

"Are you not going to say anything?" I break the silence. Looking up at him finally. Noticing he was already looking straight at me. He was letting the endless amounts of tears leave his eyes freely. Not even bothering to wipe them away.

"Nothing I will say will make up for what I've done..but I'm sorry. I'll forever be sorry no matter if you forgive me or not. And I'm sorry for how I acted in the car. I needed to get over this. Over you. And if being mean to you and being in denial about how infatuated I was with you was what it would take to put the pain away. I would do it." He doesn't break eye contact once. I finally let the tears fall down my eyes. He was still in love with me?

"And all the girls...?" I continue. Bowing my head a little.

"I-.. I didn't think you would notice..." he bows his head too.

"Oh trust me i noticed, not like you made it blatantly obvious or anything. You didn't have to rub it in my face." I sit back again the cushion of the couch. Staring straight ahead. I couldn't look at him.

"I didn't rub it in your fa-"

"Were they told to be quiet when you guys were "making love" all night long? Yeah, didn't think so." I roll my eyes. Scoffing. Harry runs his hands over his face before turning back to me. I turn back to him too.

"I didn't make love to them louis. Stop being ridiculous." He scoffs. Here we go.

"Well I would call that making love over whatever the hell we did." I turn towards him a little more. Squinting my eyes in hatred.

"Seriously louis? I don't think how loud the moaning was decides weither or not it was making love." He turns towards me more too. He was right, i would never tell him that tho.

"Bet they walked in their girly lingerie all over the apartment, while i couldn't walk around with my shirt off!" I continue sitting up a little more.

"They left right after no need to be jealous. Sure u didn't have ur shirt off at Zayn's either!" He sits up more too. Seeing we are now getting riled up. I prepare for the worst.

"Oh I had more than my shirt off Harry." I smirk. He stands up finally. His fists balled up and a deep scowl on his face.

"You wouldn't..." ge trails off. I slowly stand up too.

"And if i did?" Stepping a little closer.

"Not like you would care anyways, you didn't love me Harry. Honestly, you probably only liked girls the whole time! I was just a pon in you stupid game. So-" and before I know it he harshly grabs my face. Shutting me up and Pulling me closer. His scowl seemed deeper than before. Yet there were tears in his eyes.

"How dare you Louis. What happened to you." He scoffs in disbelief.

"You Harry, that's what happened" i say as his harsh grip on my face gets tighter.

"It wasn't a game, and you know that. Stop saying that. Stop, stop." He mutters at the end.

"Are you trying to convince me or yourself?" I question. He looks down then looks back at me. Hatred running through his eyes. I shove him slightly away from me. Him releasing his grip on my face before shoving me hard onto the couch. Now sitting as Harry is standing. Oh he did not just do that. Ouch.

" What has happened to me? What has happened to you! Look around Harry! Your not a drinker! And now there's not a empty space in this flat not filled with empty bottles. The old Harry wouldn't drink. And the old Harry for sure would have never put his hands on me." I sternly say.

Tears fall from both of our eyes. He sits down next to me as I back away a bit. Putting his face in his hands.  Soft sobs are heard as we sit there.

"I- I don't know what's happened Louis. You were my glue. And without you e-everything fell a-apart." He chokes up. Still sobbing. I sit there in silence. Before I couldn't take it anymore. I move closer to him. My knees facing him as I sit next to him on the couch. I hesitantly out my hand on his shoulder. Moving to his back. He quiets down at my actions. Slowly removing his face from his hands. Looking at me. His eyes red and teary. All I saw was hurt. I gently rub his back like I used too. Moving close to him where our body's were finally touching.

Sparks flew through my body. No one could be Harry. No one could make me feel like how Harry makes me feel. Good or bad.

"It's okay...just breathe it's okay.." I calm him. He removes his hands from his face completely. His head facing me as I look deeply into his emerald green eyes. He stares back. Looking starstruck. His face goes soft and his mouth agapes.

I nod as he gives me a look, begging to get some sort of comfort. He wraps an arm around my lower back and he used the other to move my legs onto his lap. Making room for his arm to wrap around my waist too. I wrap my arms around his neck. He squeezes me and we share the most beautiful needed hug ever. As if me and him haven't seen each other in years. Well, that's kind of what it was.

He cry's into my shoulder as I stay emotionless. Using one hand to play with his gorgeous curls. His hair was long and just so perfect. He used to love when I did this. It always put him to sleep.

He sniffles as the cry's die down. He hasn't stopped holding me tight since he latched on to me. And that was 20 minutes ago.

"God I've missed this Lou." Harry breaths a relieving breath. Taking in the moment.

"Me too Harry, me too."

I was always sure I was never enough for Harry. But in this moment, I wasn't so sure anymore..

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