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"You think that was what was better for us? Louis your more stupid than I thought." Harry continued in disbelief. His voice was like venom. This wasn't the Harry i fell in love with. But that's okay, cause I wasn't the Louis he fell in love with either.

"Oh yeah? What would have been better Harry? Us being fags? Would that be better for you?" I snap sarcastically. Anything would be better for harry then coming out. Looking up from my phone finally. Not breaking the harsh eye contact between us.

"Oh and by the way, I'm not stupid. I know that was better for us. I couldnt bare being with a fake boyfriend anymore." I scoff, giving him a disgusted look. He looks at me with tears in his eyes but a furious expression still displayed on his face.

"I wasn't fake Louis. And you knew how I felt about coming out. Why couldn't u just accept my boundaries?" Harry snaps.

"You were fine coming out before! Then when we moved here I couldn't even look at you without worrying if our friends would see. U made me hate being who I was Harry. And one day I'll find someone who makes me love who I am, and that someone isn't you." Tears also in my eyes. It's like all my feelings have come to the surface and I was ready to express them all.

A tear finally falls down Harry's face. I wouldn't fall for these tears ever again.

He was about to speak again, but I was quick to interfere. I was forever done talking to Harry styles.

"This is the last time I'm wasting tears on you Harry. And your right, i guess this is how it has to be. I'd rather hate you then feeling the pain of loving you ever again." Finally, tears start gliding down my face. I was finally letting go of Harry. And it felt good.

I sat back in my seat, returning to my phone as I wipe away my tears quickly. I could see he was still turned around in his seat. Staring at me with tears in his eyes and his lips pressed shut.

A couple minutes pass and he sits back in his seat. Facing away from me now. He wipes his tears as he try's to gather himself before Zayn comes back.

Not even a minute later, Zayn opens the car door, with 1 bag full of alcohol. How did it take him that long to buy that much?

"Hey lads, um ready to go?" Zayn questions, He seemed weird. I wonder.


Me and Zayn are dropped off at Zayn's flat. Opening the door, with not a drop of alcohol in my system, while Harry was drinking all night at the concert. Not even sure how they managed to get it in.

I plopped down on the expensive couch in the living room. Taking a deep sigh as I flick on the tv. Zayn slowly walks over to me. A sad smile on his face. Almost, pity?

"Sober, and upset. Seems unlike you." Zayn remarks.

I look up at him standing and looking down at me. I furrow my eyebrows. How could he know I was upset.

"Who said i was upset Zayn. I'm perfectly fine." I state. Looking back at the tv. Knowing if I look at him he will be able to see right through me.

"You said you and Harry got over what happened with your girlfriend." Zayn sighs. Sitting down next to me as my heart sank. How did he know.

"We did silly." I claim. Giving him a fake smile. Zayn raises an eyebrow and i knew he was on to something.

"When I walked out of the liquor store. I saw you too talking." He said gently grabbing my chin and moving my face towards him. "And crying."

"Zayn i-"

"Why would you lie to me louis? After all I've done for you? I get if you and Harry aren't over it. You guys used to be so close and now things have changed. But don't just torture and confuse yourself for the group. That's not fair on either of you." He says, giving me a soft worried look. I melted at his features. Zayn was so different from Harry. I wish Harry treated me the way zayn did. Even when Zayn was just a friend.

"I- your right. We weren't over it. But we talked it over and I promised to never cry over hi- the situation ever again. I don't know about him, but I'm over it. And I'm sorry for not telling you. I just didn't want us all to be tense anymore because of me and Harry." I sighed looking down. Was i over it? I wanted Harry to explain but what was there to do so?

"Are you actually over it lou?" He questions trying to meet my eyes.

"I mean I don't think just a cheating girlfriend caused all this. Is there something you aren't telling me?"

This was my one and only chance. Do I tell him the truth? Or do I just sit back and hide forever and wait till I'm on my death bed to say anything. I trusted Zayn. But the risk of telling him has been weighing on my heart ever since I moved in, what would he say? Or do? I couldn't bare the thought of anything changing. Everything was so good right now, mostly.

It was now or never. I gulped, then took a long deep breath. Clearing my head and heart. Knowing how good I would feel to tell ANYONE. I hated fighting this battle on my own. But i also couldn't risk anything right now.

I met Zayn's eyes, tears forming, before breaking the silence once again.

"I'm so sorry.."

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