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Wow, i never saw it. How much Harry could have cared for me too. And it wasn't just me hurting the whole time. All the nights I've stayed up hearing his cry's through the walls. But it could have been over so fast? Why did it have to be this way?

"I'll never believe you Zayn, you sound crazy you know that?" I chuckle, turning my attention back to the tv as he stares at me in slight disbelief.

"I saw it Louis! Trust me please" Zayn begs.

"You're making it worse Zayn, go to sleep" I turn my head to him and give him a slight smile.

He rolls his eyes and stands up to leave, i swiftly grab his hand before he does so.

"Zayn, thank you so much. For literally everything, your amazing." I thank, giving a genuine smile. Him doing the same.

"Goodnight Louis." He ends at that before he walks away, closing the door to his master bedroom as I'm left in my thoughts. What now?


2 months later

Things have changed. Harry is much more distant from the group. And when me and the boys go clubbing, we see him there. With a different girl every time we go. He leaves with them too, i guess ill never know what happens after he leaves. But every time we go to the club, i make sure to stay sober enough to watch over him. Making sure he's not being anymore stupid then he already is.

It still stings a little watching how he touches those girls. He used to touch me like that too.

As I'm stuck in my day dream staring at Harry, a strong hand grips my arm, pulling me out of the club.

And it was Zayn.

"Louis, you gotta stop." Zayn scolds. Crossing him arms with a knowing look.

"Stop what?" Crossing my arms mockingly.

"You've been staring at Harry literally all night. I thought you were over things?" Zayn questions, his face softening. I place my hands on my face. What's wrong with me.

"I don't know Zayn, I cant stop. He's never done this with girls before" I honestly just want to go home. And I'm not talking about Zayn's apartment, I'm talking about my home with my mom and sisters. I need comfort and redirection. I need a complete reset.

"Wanna go back to the flat? I'm kinda over this too." Zayn asks, almost like he read my mind. I nod my head vigorously and we start walking towards the apartment complex.

I'm now sitting on the couch rethinking everything. I cant keep feeling like this. I have enough money. Maybe it's time I move on.

"Zayn! Come here please!" I call to Zayn from the living room. I've had my mind made up.

He walks over to the couch as i pat the soft cushion as an indicator to sit. He does so, and looks at me with almost worried eyes.

"What's up?" He questions. I take a deep breath before continuing. Do I want to do this?

"Zayn you've been amazing, like actually. You lent me a place to stay during my worst times. And let me stay here through the good times too. You were there for me and supported me when I came out. And made me feel like a normal person, a brother. And I'm so lucky to have a best friend like you Zayn. I couldn't have asked for better." I express. Ready to continue Zayn smiles sweetly, still worried.

"But..." Zayn starts for me.

"But I cant take everything with Harry. He was my best friend for years and i thought those feelings would just go away eventually. But they don't. And I realize that now. And I cant live being jealous and sad every minute because of him. I have to move on, and I know a way to do so." I state. Taking on last breath.

"I have to move away." I whisper. Still looking into Zayn's now teary eyes. I'm not only loosing him, he's loosing me too.

"Louis please, convince Harry to move!" Zayn exclaims, he's so awesome.

"That would mean admitting my feelings for him Zayn. I cant do this anymore" Zayn looks down. I place a gentle finger under his chin lifting it up. He looks at me with the sweetest softest eyes ever. Them wanting to make me just break down and cry right now.

"Please don't go Louis, i need you." Zayn chokes. Tears forming in his eyes.

"I know Zayn, but it's for the best, I'll call every night i promise. I'll never forget about you." Zayn smiles a little. Warming my heart.

I give a reassuring smile as a tear falls from my eye. Wrapping my arms around his neck and his wraps his arms around my waist.

We hold each other tight for what feels like forever. I wouldn't even mind staying here for that long.

"I love you Zayn."

"I love you Louis."

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