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Louis POV

I went cautiously into Zayns living room. Seeing how neat, yet clumsily placed everything was. Zayn was out picking up the pizza so I had the flat all to myself.

I placed myself on the large grey comfy couch and grabbed the remote. I turned the tv on to The Vampire Dairies, and officially relaxed into the couch.

During my little rant to myself about how Elena was basically cheating on Stefan with Damon the door swung open, revealing Zayn with 2 boxes a pizza in his hands with his keys int he other.

He chuckled as I froze mid sentence.

"Who were you talking to the wall?" He asked still chuckling as I laughed in embarrassment, leaning back into the he couch as Elena made out with Damon on the tv screen.

Placing his keys and the pizza on the kitchen counter. I pay full attention to the tv as I hear footsteps coming closer to me.

He let out a sigh and I felt the couch dip next to me. I turn to him and he hands me a piece of pizza on a plate. I give him a soft thank you and he hums in response.


Now we were sitting on the couch, eating the pizza Zayn had ordered. Me taking one combo piece and one cheese piece, while Zayn took two cheese pieces.

I was so wrapped up into the show that I didn't realize how close me and Zayn had become. Our arms we touching and so we're out thighs and knees. It was a pretty big couch, so why we were sitting so close was a mystery to me.

Didn't mean I didn't secretly adore it.

Just the thought of watching a movie with someone while eating pizza and laughing at the snarky jokes and crying at the sad deaths of a show really made me tear up. I haven't had it in so long, it felt so foreign to me.

The tears that started to prickle in my eyes were not from the sad part, but just by zoning out and really thinking about me a Harry, what we have become, why he couldn't just accept that there are people who won't support us and that there are people who will, those are the people we need to gravitate to, not the unsupportive ones.

The scene was now showing a basic boring part of the show, nothing worth crying over, so I'm sure it was quite noticeable something was wrong.

That's why Zayn called me out.

"Loueh you alright?" Zayn questioned, I shivered at his words, been a while since I've heard them.

Tears started to run down my face a little harder as I realized I was actually crying.

"Loueh?" As he spoke I felt a hand rest gently on my shoulder, I flinched at his action, not expecting something comforting out of him.

He pulled his hand away slowly, seeming almost upset about my actions. I felt him scoot closer to me if even possible.

I now knew this was a cue to put my head in my hands, feeling the hot tears start streaming harder down my face.

"I'm s-sorry..." I apologized, I was so overwhelmed by feelings. What was Harry doing right now? What was he thinking? Did he regret letting me go? Was he partying? Was he rethinking everything? Should I have left? Was I in the wrong?

All this came down like rain at me, unable to doge the circles and circles of emotion.

I felt a strong arm wrap around my shoulder, giving me a squeeze as I looked up at him with teary eyes. I must look like shit right now.

He gave me a sympathetic smile before placing his hand on my cheek. I froze as his hand travelled to my neck, then to the back of my head,

I suddenly got the hint and I wrapped my arm around his waist pulling him close to me as I buried my face in the crook of his neck. He pulled me just as close as he held me tight. His hand was on the back of my head as he stoked my hair and rubbed circles on my back as I cried Into his chest. This felt good, just letting it out.

"It will get better Lou I promise, it will"

I let out a deep sigh and nodded against his chest, he's right, it will.


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