49. Hard To Get (Yuna)

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Requested by: TaehyungPark78

"Y/N-sunbaenim, can I please have a moment of your time?" A girl said as she speaks to you at the school rooftops.

"Sure, and you are?" You asked her as she felt embarrassed upon hearing your question.

"I'm sorry, sunbaenim. I guess I should have introduced myself first. My name is Wang Yiren, I'm a first year student. Pleased to meet you." She politely answered.

"It's good to meet you too, Yiren-ssi. Do you need something from me?" You said to her. Deep down, you know the true reason as to why she's talking to you.

"Umm, I know this is all too sudden for you, but please hear me out. You see, I.....I had admired you for quite a while now, so I wanted to know if you would, uh....."

Yiren's cheeks turned red as she struggles to finish what she's saying, only for you to say something to her.

"Yiren-ssi, I think I have an idea what you wanted to tell me, but I don't think that we can-"

"NO! Please, give me a chance! I promise that I'll do what I can for you not to regret your decision if you accept me. That's how much I like you, Y/N-sunbaenim." She said as a tear fell from her eye.

Her words did affect you to a certain degree, as you felt pity to know how much she admires you. Right now, you were struggling to say something, as she keeps on looking at you pleadingly.

Unbeknownst to the two of you, there was another girl who was eavesdropping on your conversation from behind the rooftop entrance. When she heard Yiren's confession, she was hoping with all her might that you will reject her, no matter how cruel it may seem.

"Please say no to her, Y/N-sunbaenim. If you don't, I won't ever be the same anymore." She thought to herself.

"Yiren-ssi, I admire that you were brave enough to say how you feel about me. I wanted to let you know that I really respect that. But still, I'm afraid that I won't be able to reciprocate your feelings towards me. I am truly sorry. But I will say this. I hope that you will be able to find someone who feels the same way; one who will care for you as well." You told her.

Upon hearing what you said, Yiren finally relented, knowing that she did everything that she can to try and make you hers. With this, she took a deep breath and sighed, as she accepts your decision.

"I...guess I had no chance after all. But don't worry sunbaenim, for I understand why you said that to me. I hoped that I would be the one to succeed, but it seems someone deserves your heart more than I do. Still, thank you for giving me the chance to confess my feelings. Sorry for bothering you." She said as she smiled towards you.

"No, you don't have to apologize. But those words I said, I meant it. Yiren-ssi, I hope that we can be friends instead." You asked her.

"Yes, of course Y/N-sunbaenim! Thank you!" She said as the two of you chuckled.

Meanwhile, the girl who was watching you, Shin Yuna, felt relieved after what you just said towards Yiren. Afterwards, she calmly walked back to the school building knowing that she still has a chance to be with you.

But she wasn't always like this.

Back during her middle school years, Yuna is the very definition of a nerd. Nothing else matters to her except for her studies. Her whole life at that time became focused on being the best at academics. For this reason, she does everything she can to always remain at the top of the class. While other students were living their school lives normally, Yuna spends little to no time socializing with other people her age. Instead, she's surrounded by her books and learning materials in order to study more. All she wants is to maintain her excellent grades, as her classmates had labelled her a weirdo due to her not being friends with them.

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