1B. Mistaken Pt. 2 (Minju/????)

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Requested by: Xcisse

"I would be more than happy to do that for you Minju. You've been a good friend to me; the least I can do is to help you get close to him."

"Thank you very much Y/N! I don't know what I would do without you!" She said, while still hugging you tightly.

"It's nothing, Minju-ya. Now come on, hyung should have finished their drills by now. Let's go." You said, while trying your best to be happy for her.

After letting go of the embrace, you accompanied Minju towards the soccer field where Daehwi and his team are practicing. Every step you walk towards the place felt very heavy for you. Both pain and regret seemed to affecting you at the moment, while you try not to let Minju see through your facade.

On one hand, you wanted to be happy for them. You were trying to convince yourself that it is the right thing to do. Daehwi had done a lot of good things for you. He has always been a selfless person, always prioritizing your needs above his, and for that, he is your role model. This could be one of the best things you can do for him to repay such kindness. A girl like Minju would certainly bring him the genuine happiness that he deserves, and it is wrong for you to deny him such a chance.

On the other, this would also mean that your chances to have Minju would be forever gone. You had admired her for quite some time, and you had spent every moment thinking what could have been should you two become together. For you, Minju had always been the ideal girl that you strived to have. She is a kind, caring, gentle, and humble person whom you knew would always be there for you. Her deeds alone would be enough proof that she is always sincere to others, never one to lie about herself and what she truly wants.

When you think about it, she and Daehwi would be a perfect match; something that you believe would be a much better relationship than with her being with someone like you.

As the two of you were near the bleachers, you noticed that the team was already done for the day, which gave you two the opportunity to go to him.

Daehwi was about to head back to the locker room when he spotted you and Minju, when made him smile.

"Y/N, I'm surprised to see you here! I thought you went home already."

"No hyung. In fact, I came here to introduce someone to you." You said to him.

"Who is it? I don't see anyone besides you and Minju-ssi here so-"

"You're right, hyung. There's no one else besides us three, so I would like to introduce to you my best friend, Kim Minju. I hope you two get along well."

"Y/N, what's the meaning of this? I thought that you and-"

"It's all right hyung. She has always admired you for so long, and I think it would only be right for me to let you two get acquainted. Now come on, Minju-ya, this is your chance." You said cheerfully, while hiding the pain that you're feeling.

Minju was all smiles as she nervously approached him.

"It's good to finally meet you, sunbaenim. My name is Kim Minju, and I'm so happy to be able to talk you like this. I've been good friends with Y/N for quite a while now, and I told him that I'm a big fan of yours." She said as the two of them shook hands together.

"N-nice to meet you too, Minju-ssi. I'm so glad to know my brother has a good friend like you. Thank you for looking after him for me." He said to her, while he tries to look at you with a worried face.

"It's nothing, sunbaenim. I should be the one thanking him, for he is always been a good friend to me ever since we got to know each other. He is a very kind and caring person, just like how he told me about you. You two really are pretty much alike from that perspective." She happily said to him.

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